1 | package de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.web;
2 |
3 | import java.io.File;
4 | import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
5 | import java.io.FileReader;
6 | import java.io.IOException;
7 | import java.text.ParseException;
8 | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
9 | import java.util.ArrayList;
10 | import java.util.HashMap;
11 | import java.util.LinkedList;
12 | import java.util.List;
13 | import java.util.Map;
14 |
15 | import de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.web.data.WebEvent;
16 | import de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Console;
17 |
18 | public class WeblogParser {
19 |
20 | private long timeout;
21 |
22 | private int minLength = 2;
23 |
24 | private List<List<WebEvent>> sequences;
25 |
26 | public WeblogParser() {
27 | timeout = 3600000; // 1 hour session-timeout as default
28 | }
29 |
30 | public WeblogParser(long timeout) {
31 | this.timeout = timeout;
32 | }
33 |
34 | public List<List<WebEvent>> getSequences() {
35 | return sequences;
36 | }
37 |
38 | public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
39 | this.timeout = timeout;
40 | }
41 |
42 | public void setMinLength(int minLength) {
43 | this.minLength = minLength;
44 | }
45 |
46 | public void parseFile(String filename) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, ParseException {
47 | File f = new File(filename);
48 | FileReader reader = new FileReader(f);
49 | char[] buffer = new char[(int) f.length()];
50 | reader.read(buffer);
51 | reader.close();
52 | String[] lines = (new String(buffer)).split("\n");
53 |
54 | Map<String, List<Integer>> cookieSessionMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>();
55 | int lastId = -1;
56 |
57 | SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
58 |
59 | sequences = new ArrayList<List<WebEvent>>();
60 |
61 | for( String line : lines ) {
62 | String[] values = line.trim().split(" ");
63 |
64 | // use cookie as session identifier
65 | int cookieStart = values[0].lastIndexOf('.');
66 | String cookie = values[0].substring(cookieStart+1);
67 | String dateString = values[1].substring(1)+" "+values[2].substring(0, values[2].length()-1);
68 | long timestamp = dateFormat.parse(dateString).getTime();
69 | String uri = values[3];
70 | // String ref = values[4]; // referer is not yet used!
71 | List<String> postedVars = new ArrayList<String>();
72 | for( int i=5 ; i<values.length ; i++ ) {
73 | postedVars.add(values[i]);
74 | }
75 |
76 | WebEvent event = new WebEvent(uri, timestamp, postedVars);
77 |
78 | // find session and add event
79 | List<Integer> sessionIds = cookieSessionMap.get(cookie);
80 | if( sessionIds==null ) {
81 | sessionIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
82 | // start new session
83 | sessionIds.add(++lastId);
84 | cookieSessionMap.put(cookie, sessionIds);
85 | sequences.add(new LinkedList<WebEvent>());
86 | }
87 | Integer lastSessionIndex = sessionIds.get(sessionIds.size()-1);
88 | List<WebEvent> lastSession = sequences.get(lastSessionIndex);
89 | long lastEventTime = timestamp;
90 | if( !lastSession.isEmpty() ) {
91 | lastEventTime = lastSession.get(lastSession.size()-1).getTimestamp();
92 | }
93 | if( timestamp-lastEventTime>timeout ) {
94 | sessionIds.add(++lastId);
95 | List<WebEvent> newSession = new LinkedList<WebEvent>();
96 | newSession.add(event);
97 | sequences.add(newSession);
98 | } else {
99 | lastSession.add(event);
100 | }
101 | }
102 | Console.traceln(""+sequences.size()+ " user sequences found");
103 | // prune sequences shorter than min-length
104 | for( int i=0; i<sequences.size(); i++ ) {
105 | if( sequences.get(i).size()<minLength ) {
106 | sequences.remove(i);
107 | }
108 | }
109 | Console.traceln(""+sequences.size()+ " remaining after pruning of sequences shorter than " + minLength);
110 | }
111 | }