package; import; public class Event { public static final Event STARTEVENT = new Event("START"); public static final Event ENDEVENT = new Event("END"); /** *

* Type of the event. *

*/ private String type; /** *

* Target of the event. */ private String target = null; /** *

* Short description of the event target. *

*/ private String targetShort = null; private String idInfo = ""; public Event(String type) { if( type==null ) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Event type must not be null"); } this.type = type; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if( this==other ) { return true; } if (other instanceof Event) { Event otherEvent = (Event) other; if( target!=null ) { return type.equals(otherEvent.type) && target.equals(; } else { return type.equals(otherEvent.type) &&; } } else { return false; } } @Override public String toString() { return getStandardId(); } public String getIdInfo() { return idInfo; } public String getShortId() { String shortId = null; if (targetShort!=null) { shortId = targetShort+"."+getType(); if ( !"".equals(idInfo)) { shortId += "."+idInfo; } } else { shortId = getStandardId(); } return shortId; } public String getStandardId() { String id = ""; if( target!=null ) { id += target + "."; } id += getType(); if ( !"".equals(idInfo) ) { id += "." + idInfo; } return id; } public String getTarget() { return target; } public String getTargetShort() { return targetShort; } public String getType() { return type; } @Override public int hashCode() { int multiplier = 17; int hash = 42; hash = multiplier * hash + type.hashCode(); if( target!=null ) { hash = multiplier * hash + target.hashCode(); } return hash; } public void setIdInfo(String info) { idInfo = info; } /** *

* Sets the target of the event. Once set, the target cannot be changed. *

* @param target target of the event * @return true, if target was changed, false otherwise */ public boolean setTarget(String target) { if(!=null ) { return false; } = target; return true; } /** *

* Sets the short description of the event target. Once set, the target cannot be changed. *

* @param targetShort short target description * @return true, if target was changed, false otherwise */ public boolean setTargetShort(String targetShort) { if( this.targetShort!=null ) { return false; } this.targetShort = targetShort; return true; } }