package de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.models; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.models.Trie.Edge; import de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.models.Trie.TrieVertex; import de.ugoe.cs.util.StringTools; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DelegateTree; class TrieNode implements Serializable { /** * Id for object serialization. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int count; private final T symbol; private List> children; TrieNode() { this.symbol = null; count = 0; children = new LinkedList>(); } public TrieNode(T symbol) { if( symbol==null ) { throw new InvalidParameterException("symbol must not be null. null is reserved for root node!"); } this.symbol = symbol; count = 0; children = new LinkedList>(); } public void add(List subsequence) { if( !subsequence.isEmpty() ) { if( !symbol.equals(subsequence.get(0)) ) { // should be guaranteed by the recursion/TrieRoot! throw new AssertionError("Invalid trie operation!"); } count++; subsequence.remove(0); if( !subsequence.isEmpty() ) { T nextSymbol = subsequence.get(0); getChildCreate(nextSymbol).add(subsequence); } } } public T getSymbol() { return symbol; } public int getCount() { return count; } protected TrieNode getChildCreate(T symbol) { TrieNode node = getChild(symbol); if( node==null ) { node = new TrieNode(symbol); children.add(node); } return node; } protected TrieNode getChild(T symbol) { for( TrieNode child : children ) { if( child.getSymbol().equals(symbol) ) { return child; } } return null; } public TrieNode find(List subsequence) { TrieNode result = null; if( subsequence.isEmpty() ) { result = this; } else { TrieNode node = getChild(subsequence.get(0)); if( node!=null ) { subsequence.remove(0); result = node.find(subsequence); } } return result; } // returns all symbols that follow this node public List getFollowingSymbols() { List followingSymbols = new LinkedList(); for( TrieNode child : children ) { followingSymbols.add(child.getSymbol()); } return followingSymbols; } @Override public String toString() { String str = symbol.toString()+" #"+count; if( !children.isEmpty() ) { str += StringTools.ENDLINE + children.toString(); } return str; } public void getGraph(TrieVertex parent, DelegateTree graph) { TrieVertex currentVertex; if( symbol==null ){ currentVertex = new TrieVertex("root"); graph.addVertex(currentVertex); } else { currentVertex = new TrieVertex(getSymbol().toString()+"#"+getCount()); graph.addChild( new Edge() , parent, currentVertex ); } for( TrieNode node : children ) { node.getGraph(currentVertex, graph); } } void appendDotRepresentation(StringBuilder stringBuilder) { String thisSaneId; if( symbol==null ) { thisSaneId = "root"; } else { thisSaneId = symbol.toString().replace("\"", "\\\"").replaceAll("[\r\n]","")+"#"+count; } stringBuilder.append(" " + hashCode() + " [label=\""+thisSaneId+"\"];" + StringTools.ENDLINE); for( TrieNode childNode : children ) { stringBuilder.append(" "+hashCode()+" -> " + childNode.hashCode() + ";" + StringTools.ENDLINE); } for( TrieNode childNode : children ) { childNode.appendDotRepresentation(stringBuilder); } } }