#include "StdAfx.h" #include "LogParser.h" #include #include "WindowFinder.h" LogParser::LogParser(void) { } LogParser::~LogParser(void) { } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogParser::startElement( wchar_t __RPC_FAR *pwchNamespaceUri, int cchNamespaceUri, wchar_t __RPC_FAR *pwchLocalName, int cchLocalName, wchar_t __RPC_FAR *pwchRawName, int cchRawName, MSXML2::ISAXAttributes __RPC_FAR *pAttributes) { std::wstring localName(pwchLocalName); if( localName.compare(L"session")==0 ) { // TODO } else if( localName.compare(L"msg")==0 ) { std::wstring type = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"type", L""); msgType = _wtoi(type.c_str()); std::wstring lParamStr = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"LPARAM", L""); lParam = _wtoi(lParamStr.c_str()); std::wstring wParamStr = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"WPARAM", L""); wParam = _wtoi(wParamStr.c_str()); std::wstring delayStr = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"delay", L""); delay = _wtoi(delayStr.c_str()); currentWindow = NULL; currentParent = NULL; } else if( localName.compare(L"window")==0 ) { WindowData * winData = new WindowData; winData->name = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"name", L""); winData->className = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"class", L""); std::wstring resourceIdStr = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"resourceId", L""); winData->resourceId = _wtoi(resourceIdStr.c_str()); std::wstring isModalStr = GetAttributeValue(pAttributes, L"isModal", L""); if( isModalStr.compare(L"true")==0 ) { winData->isModal = true; } else { winData->isModal = false; } winData->child = NULL; if( currentWindow==NULL ) { currentWindow = winData; } else { currentParent->child = winData; } currentParent = winData; } return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LogParser::endElement( wchar_t __RPC_FAR *pwchNamespaceUri, int cchNamespaceUri, wchar_t __RPC_FAR *pwchLocalName, int cchLocalName, wchar_t __RPC_FAR *pwchRawName, int cchRawName) { std::wstring localName(pwchLocalName); if( localName.compare(L"session")==0 ) { // TODO } else if( localName.compare(L"msg")==0 ) { WindowFinder finder; HWND hwnd = finder.find(currentWindow); sendMessage(hwnd); deleteWindowData(currentWindow); currentWindow = NULL; } else if( localName.compare(L"LPARAM")==0 ) { WindowFinder finder; HWND hwnd = finder.find(currentWindow); lParam = (LPARAM) hwnd; deleteWindowData(currentWindow); currentWindow = NULL; } else if( localName.compare(L"WPARAM")==0 ) { WindowFinder finder; HWND hwnd = finder.find(currentWindow); wParam = (WPARAM) hwnd; deleteWindowData(currentWindow); currentWindow = NULL; } return S_OK; } std::wstring LogParser::GetAttributeValue(MSXML2::ISAXAttributes __RPC_FAR *pAttributes, std::wstring name, std::wstring defvalue) { // get the number of attributes int length = 0; pAttributes->getLength(&length); // enumerate over all attributes for ( int i=0; igetLocalName(i,&attrname,&namelen); // get the value of the current attribute pAttributes->getValue(i,&attrvalue,&valuelen); // if current attribute is the one needed return its value if(name.compare(std::wstring(attrname,namelen)) == 0) return std::wstring(attrvalue, valuelen); } // attribute not found; return the default value return defvalue; } void LogParser::sendMessage(HWND hwnd) { std::wcout << L"Sending " << msgType << L" to " << hwnd << "L - LPARAM: " << lParam << L" - WPARAM: " << wParam << std::endl; PostMessage(hwnd, msgType, wParam, lParam); Sleep(defaultMsgDelay); //Sleep(delay); }