// Copyright 2012 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.eventcore.guimodel; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.logging.Level; import de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Console; /** *

* A GUI model is a tree of {@link IGUIElements} and represents a complete GUI of a software. It is * platform independent. It may have several root nodes, as some GUIs are made up of several Frames * being independent from each other. The GUI model is filled using the * {@link #integratePath(List, IGUIElementFactory)} method. *

* * @version 1.0 * @author Patrick Harms, Steffen Herbold */ public class GUIModel implements Serializable { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** *

* The root node of the tree not provided externally. *

*/ private TreeNode root = new TreeNode(); /** *

* A list with all nodes currently known *

*/ private List allNodes = new ArrayList(); /** *

* Integrates a path of GUI elements into the GUI model. The GUI model itself is a tree and * therefore a set of different paths through the tree that start with a root node and end with * a leaf node. Such a path can be added to the tree. The method checks, if any of the GUI * elements denoted by the path already exists. If so, it reuses it. It may therefore also * return an existing GUI element being the leaf node of the provided path. If a GUI element of * the path does not exist yet, it creates a new one using the provided GUI element factory. *


* If a GUI element specification describes an existing GUI element or not is determined through * comparing the GUI element specifications of the existing GUI elements with the ones provided * in the path. The comparison is done using the * {@link IGUIElementSpec#getSimilarity(IGUIElementSpec)} method. The comparison is only done on * the correct levels. I.e. the currently known root elements of the tree are only compared to * the first element in the path. If the correct one is found or created, its children are * compared only to the second specification in the path, and so on. *


* The returned GUI elements are singletons. I.e. it is tried to return always the identical * object for the same denoted element. However, while creating the GUI model, the similarity of * GUI elements may change. Therefore, the method might determine, that two formerly different * nodes are now similar. (This may happen, e.g. if GUI elements do not have initial names which * are set afterwards. Therefore, first they are handled differently and later they can be * identified as being the same.) In such a case, there are already several GUI element objects * instantiated for the same GUI element. The singleton paradigm gets broken. Therefore, such * GUI element objects are registered with each other, so that their equal method can determine * equality again correctly, although the objects are no singletons anymore. *

* * @param guiElementPath * the path to integrate into the model * @param guiElementFactory * the GUI element factory to be used for instantiating GUI element objects * * @return The GUI element object representing the GUI element denoted by the provided path * * @throws GUIModelException * thrown in cases such as the GUI element object could not be instantiated * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the provided path is invalid. */ public IGUIElement integratePath(List guiElementPath, IGUIElementFactory guiElementFactory) throws GUIModelException, IllegalArgumentException { if ((guiElementPath == null) || (guiElementPath.size() <= 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("GUI element path must contain at least one element"); } List remainingPath = new LinkedList(); for (IGUIElementSpec spec : guiElementPath) { remainingPath.add(spec); } return integratePath(root, remainingPath, guiElementFactory); } /** *

* Returns all children of the provided GUI element or null, if it does not have any or the node * is unknown. *

* * @param guiElement * the GUI element of which the children shall be returned * * @return As described */ public List getChildren(IGUIElement guiElement) { List result = null; for (TreeNode node : allNodes) { if (node.guiElement.equals(guiElement)) { if (result == null) { result = new ArrayList(); if (node.children != null) { for (TreeNode child : node.children) { result.add(child.guiElement); } } } else { Console .traceln(Level.SEVERE, "Multiple nodes in the internal GUI model match the same GUI element. " + "This should not be the case and the GUI model is probably invalid."); } } } return result; } /** *

* Returns the parent GUI element of the provided GUI element or null, if it does not have a * parent (i.e. if it is a root node) or if the node is unknown. *

* * @param guiElement * the GUI element of which the parent shall be returned * * @return As described */ public IGUIElement getParent(IGUIElement guiElement) { IGUIElement parent = null; for (TreeNode node : allNodes) { if (node.children != null) { for (TreeNode child : node.children) { if (child.guiElement.equals(guiElement)) { if (parent != null) { parent = node.guiElement; } else { Console .traceln(Level.SEVERE, "Multiple nodes in the internal GUI model match the same GUI element. " + "This should not be the case and the GUI model is probably invalid."); } } } } } return parent; } /** *

* Returns all root GUI elements of the model or an empty list, if the model is empty *

* * @return As described */ public List getRootElements() { List roots = new ArrayList(); if (root.children != null) { for (TreeNode rootChild : root.children) { roots.add(rootChild.guiElement); } } return roots; } /** * returns a traverser for the GUI model to have efficient access to the tree of GUI elements * without having direct access. * * @return a traverser */ public Traverser getTraverser() { return new Traverser(); } /** * returns a traverser for the GUI model starting at the given GUI element. Returns null, if * the GUI element is not part of the model. * * @return a traverser */ public Traverser getTraverser(IGUIElement startingAt) { TreeNode node = findNode(startingAt); if (node != null) { Traverser traverser = new Traverser(); traverser.navigateTo(node); return traverser; } else { return null; } } /** *

* dumps the GUI model to the provided stream. Each node is represented through its toString() * method. If a node has children, those are dumped indented and surrounded by braces. *

* * @param out * The stream to dump the textual representation of the model to * @param encoding * The encoding to be used while dumping */ public void dump(OutputStream out, String encoding) { PrintStream stream; if (out instanceof PrintStream) { stream = (PrintStream) out; } else { String enc = encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : encoding; try { stream = new PrintStream(out, true, enc); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("encodind " + enc + " not supported"); } } for (TreeNode node : root.children) { dumpGUIElement(stream, node, ""); } } /** *

* By calling this method, the GUIModel is traversed and similar nodes are merged. *

* */ public void condenseModel() { mergeSubTree(root); } /** *

* Merges the tree nodes of two GUI elements. The GUI elements need to have the same parent. *

* * @param guiElement1 * the first merge GUI element * @param guiElement2 * the second merge GUI element * @throws IllegalArgumentException * thrown if the two GUI elements do not have the same parent */ public void mergeGUIElements(IGUIElement guiElement1, IGUIElement guiElement2) throws IllegalArgumentException { // check if both nodes have the same parent IGUIElement parentElement = guiElement1.getParent(); if (parentElement != null && !parentElement.equals(guiElement2.getParent())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can only merge nodes with the same parent"); } // get the TreeNode of the parent of the GUI elements TreeNode parent = findNode(parentElement); // get the TreeNodes for both GUI elements TreeNode node1 = findNode(guiElement1); TreeNode node2 = findNode(guiElement2); if (node1 == null || node2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Error while merging nodes: one element is not part of the GUI model!"); } TreeNode replacement = mergeTreeNodes(node1, node2); if (parent != null) { // remove node1 and node2 from the parent's children and add the replacement instead // assumes that there are no duplicates of node1 and node2 if (parent.children != null) { parent.children.set(parent.children.indexOf(node1), replacement); parent.children.remove(node2); } } } /** *

* internally integrates a path as the children of the provided parent node. This method is * recursive and calls itself, for the child of the parent node, that matches the first element * in the remaining path. *

* * @param parentNode * the parent node to add children for * @param guiElementPath * the path of children to be created starting with the parent node * @param guiElementFactory * the GUI element factory to be used for instantiating GUI element objects * * @return The GUI element object representing the GUI element denoted by the provided path * * @throws GUIModelException * thrown in cases such as the GUI element object could not be instantiated */ private IGUIElement integratePath(TreeNode parentNode, List remainingPath, IGUIElementFactory guiElementFactory) throws GUIModelException { IGUIElementSpec specToIntegrateElementFor = remainingPath.remove(0); TreeNode child = findEqualChild(parentNode, specToIntegrateElementFor); if (child == null) { IGUIElement newElement = guiElementFactory.instantiateGUIElement(specToIntegrateElementFor, parentNode.guiElement); child = parentNode.addChild(newElement); allNodes.add(child); } if (remainingPath.size() > 0) { return integratePath(child, remainingPath, guiElementFactory); } else { return child.guiElement; } } /** *

* Searches the children of a tree node to see if the {@link IGUIElementSpec} of equals the * specification of the {@link TreeNode#guiElement} of the child. If a match is found, the child * is returned. *

* * @param parentNode * parent node whose children are searched * @param specToMatch * specification that is searched for * @return matching child node or null if no child matches */ private TreeNode findEqualChild(TreeNode parentNode, IGUIElementSpec specToMatch) { if (parentNode.children != null) { for (TreeNode child : parentNode.children) { if (specToMatch.equals(child.guiElement.getSpecification())) { return child; } } } return null; } /** *

* Merges all similar nodes in the sub-tree of the GUI model defined by the subTreeRoot. *


* The merging order is a bottom-up. This means, that we first call mergeSubTree recursively for * the grand children of the subTreeRoot, before we merge subTreeRoot. *


* The merging strategy is top-down. This means, that every time we merge two child nodes, we * call mergeSubTree recursively for all children of the merged nodes in order to check if we * can merge the children, too. *

* * @param subTreeRoot * root node of the sub-tree that is merged */ private void mergeSubTree(TreeNode subTreeRoot) { if (subTreeRoot.children == null || subTreeRoot.children.isEmpty()) { return; } // lets first merge the grand children of the parentNode for (TreeNode child : subTreeRoot.children) { mergeSubTree(child); } boolean performedMerge; do { performedMerge = false; for (int i = 0; !performedMerge && i < subTreeRoot.children.size(); i++) { IGUIElementSpec elemSpec1 = subTreeRoot.children.get(i).guiElement.getSpecification(); for (int j = i + 1; !performedMerge && j < subTreeRoot.children.size(); j++) { IGUIElementSpec elemSpec2 = subTreeRoot.children.get(j).guiElement.getSpecification(); if (elemSpec1.getSimilarity(elemSpec2)) { TreeNode replacement = mergeTreeNodes(subTreeRoot.children.get(i), subTreeRoot.children.get(j)); subTreeRoot.children.set(i, replacement); subTreeRoot.children.remove(j); performedMerge = true; i--; break; } } } } while (performedMerge); } /** *

* merges two nodes with each other. Merging means registering the GUI element objects with each * other for equality checks. Further it add all children of both nodes to a new replacing node. * Afterwards, all similar nodes of the replacement node are merged as well. *

* * @param treeNode1 * the first of the two nodes to be merged * @param treeNode2 * the second of the two nodes to be merged * @return a tree node being the merge of the two provided nodes. */ private TreeNode mergeTreeNodes(TreeNode treeNode1, TreeNode treeNode2) { // the following two lines are needed to preserve the references to the existing GUI // elements. If two elements are the same, one should be deleted to make the elements // singletons again. However, there may exist references to both objects. To preserve // these, we simply register the equal GUI elements with each other so that an equals // check can return true. treeNode1.guiElement.addEqualGUIElement(treeNode2.guiElement); treeNode2.guiElement.addEqualGUIElement(treeNode1.guiElement); // and now a replacement node that is the merge of treeNode1 and treeNode2 is created TreeNode replacement = new TreeNode(); replacement.guiElement = treeNode1.guiElement; if (treeNode1.children != null) { for (TreeNode child : treeNode1.children) { replacement.addChildNode(child); } } if (treeNode2.children != null) { for (TreeNode child : treeNode2.children) { replacement.addChildNode(child); } } mergeSubTree(replacement); replacement.guiElement.updateSpecification(treeNode2.guiElement.getSpecification()); // finally, update the known nodes list // if you don't do this getChildren will return wrong things and very bad things happen! allNodes.remove(treeNode1); allNodes.remove(treeNode2); allNodes.add(replacement); return replacement; } /** *

* dumps a GUI element to the stream. A dump contains the toString() representation of the GUI * element as well as a indented list of its children surrounded by braces. Therefore, not the * GUI element itself but its tree node is provided to have an efficient access to its children *

* * @param out * {@link PrintStream} where the guiElement is dumped to * @param node * the guiElement's tree node of which the string representation is dumped * @param indent * indent string of the dumping */ private void dumpGUIElement(PrintStream out, TreeNode node, String indent) { out.print(indent); out.print(node.guiElement); if ((node.children != null) && (node.children.size() > 0)) { out.println(" {"); for (TreeNode child : node.children) { dumpGUIElement(out, child, indent + " "); } out.print(indent); out.print("}"); } out.println(); } /** *

* Retrieves the TreeNode associated with a GUI element. Returns null if no such TreeNode is * found. *

* * @param element * the GUI element * @return associated TreeNode; null if no such node exists */ private TreeNode findNode(IGUIElement element) { if (element == null) { return null; } TreeNode result = null; for (TreeNode node : allNodes) { if (node.guiElement.equals(element)) { if (result == null) { result = node; } else { Console .traceln(Level.SEVERE, "Multiple nodes in the internal GUI model match the same GUI element. " + "This should not be the case and the GUI model is probably invalid."); } } } return result; } /** *

* Used externally for tree traversal without providing direct access to the tree nodes *

* * @version 1.0 * @author Patrick Harms, Steffen Herbold */ public class Traverser { /** *

* the stack of nodes on which the traverser currently works *

*/ private Stack nodeStack = new Stack(); /** *

* initializes the traverser by adding the root node of the GUI model to the stack *

*/ private Traverser() { nodeStack.push(new StackEntry(root, 0)); } /** *

* returns the first child of the current GUI element. On the first call of this method on * the traverser the first of the root GUI elements of the GUI model is returned. If the * current GUI element does not have children, the method returns null. If the GUI model * is empty, then a call to this method will return null. The returned GUI element is the * next one the traverser points to. *

* * @return as described. */ public IGUIElement firstChild() { return pushChild(0); } /** *

* returns true, if the current GUI element has a first child, i.e. if the next call to the * method {@link #firstChild()} would return a GUI element or null. *

* * @return as described */ public boolean hasFirstChild() { return (nodeStack.peek().treeNode.children != null) && (nodeStack.peek().treeNode.children.size() > 0); } /** *

* returns the next sibling of the current GUI element. If there is no further sibling, * null is returned. If the current GUI element is one of the root nodes, the next root * node of the GUI model is returned. The returned GUI element is the next one the * traverser points to. *

* * @return as described */ public IGUIElement nextSibling() { int lastIndex = nodeStack.pop().index; IGUIElement retval = pushChild(lastIndex + 1); if (retval == null) { pushChild(lastIndex); } return retval; } /** *

* returns true, if the current GUI element has a further sibling, i.e. if a call to the * method {@link #nextSibling()} will return a GUI element; *

* * @return as described */ public boolean hasNextSibling() { boolean result = false; if (nodeStack.size() > 1) { StackEntry entry = nodeStack.pop(); result = nodeStack.peek().treeNode.children.size() > (entry.index + 1); pushChild(entry.index); } return result; } /** *

* returns the parent GUI element of the current GUI element. If the current GUI element * is a root node, null is returned. If there is no current GUI element yet as the method * {@link #firstChild()} was not called yet, null is returned. *

* * @return as described */ public IGUIElement parent() { IGUIElement retval = null; if (nodeStack.size() > 1) { nodeStack.pop(); retval = nodeStack.peek().treeNode.guiElement; } return retval; } /** *

* internal method used for changing the state of the traverser. I.e. to switch to a * specific child GUI element of the current one. *

*/ private IGUIElement pushChild(int index) { IGUIElement retVal = null; if ((nodeStack.peek().treeNode.children != null) && (nodeStack.peek().treeNode.children.size() > index)) { nodeStack.push (new StackEntry(nodeStack.peek().treeNode.children.get(index), index)); retVal = nodeStack.peek().treeNode.guiElement; } return retVal; } /** *

* navigates the traverser to the given node in the GUI model *

*/ private boolean navigateTo(TreeNode node) { if (hasFirstChild()) { IGUIElement childElement = firstChild(); while (childElement != null) { if (childElement.equals(node.guiElement)) { return true; } else if (navigateTo(node)) { return true; } else { childElement = nextSibling(); } } parent(); } return false; } /** *

* internal class needed to fill the stack with nodes of the GUI models and their * respective index in the children of the parent node. *

*/ private class StackEntry { /** */ private TreeNode treeNode; /** */ private int index; /** *

* creates a new stack entry. *

*/ private StackEntry(TreeNode treeNode, int index) { this.treeNode = treeNode; this.index = index; } } } /** *

* Used internally for building up the tree of GUI elements. *

* * @version 1.0 * @author Patrick Harms, Steffen Herbold */ private static class TreeNode implements Serializable { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** *

* GUI element associated with the TreeNode. *

*/ private IGUIElement guiElement; /** *

* Children of the TreeNode. *

*/ private List children; /** *

* Adds a child to the current node while keeping all lists of nodes up to date *

* * @param guiElement * GUI element that will be associated with the new child * @return the added child */ private TreeNode addChild(IGUIElement guiElement) { if (children == null) { children = new ArrayList(); } TreeNode child = new TreeNode(); child.guiElement = guiElement; children.add(child); return child; } /** * *

* Adds a TreeNode as child to the current node. This way, the whole sub-tree is added. *

* * @param node * child node that is added * @return node that has been added */ private TreeNode addChildNode(TreeNode node) { if (children == null) { children = new ArrayList(); } children.add(node); return node; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return guiElement.toString(); } } }