// Copyright 2012 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.temporalrelation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.nodeequality.NodeEquality; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.nodeequality.NodeEqualityRuleManager; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.IEventTask; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.IIteration; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ISelection; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ISequence; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ITaskTreeBuilder; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ITaskTreeNode; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ITaskTreeNodeFactory; /** *

* iterations in a list of nodes are equal subsequences following each other directly. The * subsequences can be of any length depending on the type of equality they need to have. If the * subsequences have to be lexically equal, then they have to have the same length if they only * contain event tasks. As an example entering text can be done through appropriate keystrokes or * through pasting the text. As a result, two syntactically different sequences are semantically * equal. If both follow each other, then they are an iteration of semantically equal children. * But they are not lexically equal. *


* This class determines equal subsequences following each other. It is provided with a minimal node * equality the equal nodes should have. Through this, it is possible to find e.g. lexically * equal subsequence through a first application of this rule and semantically equal children to * a later application of this rule. This is used by the {@link TemporalRelationshipRuleManager} * which instantiates this rule three times, each with a different minimal equality. *


* The equal subsequences are determined through trial and error. This algorithm has a high effort * as it tries in the worst case all possible combinations of sub lists in all possible parts of * the list of children of a provided parent node. The steps for each trial are. *

* The algorithm tries to optimize if all children are event tasks and if the sublists shall be * lexically equal. In this case, the sublist all have to have the same length. The trial and * error reduces to a minimum of possible sublists. *

* * @author Patrick Harms */ class DefaultIterationDetectionRule implements TemporalRelationshipRule { /** *

* the maximum length for iterated sequences *

*/ private static final int MAX_LENGTH_OF_ITERATED_SEQUENCE = 50; /** *

* the task tree node factory to be used for creating substructures for the temporal * relationships identified during rule *

*/ private ITaskTreeNodeFactory taskTreeNodeFactory; /** *

* the task tree builder to be used for creating substructures for the temporal relationships * identified during rule application *

*/ private ITaskTreeBuilder taskTreeBuilder; /** *

* the node equality manager needed for comparing task tree nodes with each other *

*/ private NodeEqualityRuleManager nodeEqualityRuleManager; /** *

* the minimal node equality two identified sublists need to have to consider them as equal * and to create an iteration for *

*/ private NodeEquality minimalNodeEquality; /** *

* instantiates the rule and initializes it with a node equality rule manager and the minimal * node equality identified sublist must have to consider them as iterated. *

*/ DefaultIterationDetectionRule(NodeEqualityRuleManager nodeEqualityRuleManager, NodeEquality minimalNodeEquality, ITaskTreeNodeFactory taskTreeNodeFactory, ITaskTreeBuilder taskTreeBuilder) { this.nodeEqualityRuleManager = nodeEqualityRuleManager; this.minimalNodeEquality = minimalNodeEquality; this.taskTreeNodeFactory = taskTreeNodeFactory; this.taskTreeBuilder = taskTreeBuilder; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "DefaultIterationDetectionRule"; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.ugoe.cs.tasktree.temporalrelation.TemporalRelationshipRule#apply(TaskTreeNode, * boolean) */ @Override public RuleApplicationResult apply(ITaskTreeNode parent, boolean finalize) { if (!(parent instanceof ISequence)) { return null; } if (!finalize) { // the rule is always feasible as iterations may occur at any time RuleApplicationResult result = new RuleApplicationResult(); result.setRuleApplicationStatus(RuleApplicationStatus.RULE_APPLICATION_FEASIBLE); return result; } // parent must already have at least 2 children if ((parent.getChildren() == null) || (parent.getChildren().size() < 2)) { return null; } SubSequences subSequences = getEqualSubsequences(parent); if (subSequences != null) { RuleApplicationResult result = new RuleApplicationResult(); mergeEqualNodes(subSequences.equalVariants); IIteration newIteration = createIterationBasedOnIdentifiedVariants(subSequences, result); determineNewlyCreatedParentTasks(parent, newIteration, result); // remove iterated children for (int j = subSequences.start; j < subSequences.end; j++) { taskTreeBuilder.removeChild((ISequence) parent, subSequences.start); } // add the new iteration instead taskTreeBuilder.addChild((ISequence) parent, subSequences.start, newIteration); result.setRuleApplicationStatus(RuleApplicationStatus.RULE_APPLICATION_FINISHED); return result; } return null; } /** *

* this method initiates the trial and error algorithm denoted in the description of this class. * Its main purpose is the selection of a subpart of all children in the parent node in which * equal sublists shall be searched. It is important, to always find the last iterations in a * part first. The reason for this are iterations of iterations. If we always found the first * iteration in a subpart first, then this may be an iteration of iterations. However, there * may be subsequent iterations to be included in this iteration. But these iterations are not * found yet, as they occur later in the sequence. Therefore, if we always find the last * iteration in a sequence first, iterations of iterations are identified, last. *

* * @param parent the parent node in which iterations of children shall be found * * @return the iterated subsequences identified in a specific part (contains the equal * subsequences as well as the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) index of the * subpart in which the sequences were found) */ private SubSequences getEqualSubsequences(ITaskTreeNode parent) { SubSequences subSequences = null; // to find longer iterations first, start with long sequences FIND_ITERATION: for (int end = parent.getChildren().size(); end > 0; end--) { for (int start = 0; start < end; start++) { boolean useEqualSublistLengths = equalSublistLengthsCanBeUsed(parent, start, end); subSequences = new SubSequences(); subSequences.start = start; boolean foundFurtherVariants = findFurtherVariants (subSequences, parent, start, end, useEqualSublistLengths); if (foundFurtherVariants) { break FIND_ITERATION; } else { subSequences = null; } } } return subSequences; } /** *

* for optimization purposes, we check if the length of the sublists to be identified as * iterations has to be the same for any sublist. This only applies, if the minimum node * equality to be checked for is lexical equality. If the children of the parent are all event * tasks, then sublists can only be lexically equal, if they all have the same length. * Therefore we check, if the minimal node equality is lexical equality. And if so, we also * check if all children of the parent in which an iteration shall be searched for are event * tasks. *

* * @param parent the parent node to search for iterations of its children * @param start the beginning of the subpart (inclusive) to be considered * @param end the end of the subpart (exclusive) to be considered * * @return true, if the sublists must have the same lengths, false else */ private boolean equalSublistLengthsCanBeUsed(ITaskTreeNode parent, int start, int end) { boolean equalLengthsCanBeUsed = minimalNodeEquality.isAtLeast(NodeEquality.LEXICALLY_EQUAL); if (equalLengthsCanBeUsed) { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (!(parent.getChildren().get(i) instanceof IEventTask)) { equalLengthsCanBeUsed = false; break; } } } return equalLengthsCanBeUsed; } /** *

* this method starts at a specific position in the list of children of the provided parent * and checks, if it finds a further sublist, that matches the already found sublists. If * the sublist lengths must be equal, it only searches for a sublist of the same length of the * already found sublists. The method calls itself if it identifies a further equal sublist but * if the end of the subpart of children is not yet reached. *

* * @param subSequences the sublist found so far against which equality of the next * sublist must be checked * @param parent the parent node of which the children are analyzed * @param start the starting index from which to start the next sublist to be * identified * @param end the end index (exclusive) of the current subpart of children * in which iterations are searched for * @param useEqualSublistLengths true if the sublists to be searched for all need to have the * same length * * @return true if a further equal variant was found, false else */ private boolean findFurtherVariants(SubSequences subSequences, ITaskTreeNode parent, int start, int end, boolean useEqualSublistLengths) { boolean foundFurtherVariants = (start == end) && (subSequences.equalVariants.size() > 1); int minChildCount = 1; int maxChildCount = Math.min(MAX_LENGTH_OF_ITERATED_SEQUENCE, end - start); if (useEqualSublistLengths && (subSequences.equalVariants.size() > 0)) { minChildCount = subSequences.equalVariants.get(0).getChildren().size(); maxChildCount = Math.min(minChildCount, maxChildCount); } for (int childCount = minChildCount; childCount <= maxChildCount; childCount++) { if (useEqualSublistLengths && (((end - start) % childCount) != 0)) { continue; } ISequence furtherVariant = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewSequence(); for (int j = start; j < start + childCount; j++) { taskTreeBuilder.addChild(furtherVariant, parent.getChildren().get(j)); } boolean allVariantsEqual = true; for (ITaskTreeNode equalVariant : subSequences.equalVariants) { NodeEquality nodeEquality = nodeEqualityRuleManager.applyRules(equalVariant, furtherVariant); if (!nodeEquality.isAtLeast(minimalNodeEquality)) { allVariantsEqual = false; break; } } if (allVariantsEqual) { // we found a further variant. Add it to the list of variants and try to find // further variants. Ignore, if none is available int index = subSequences.equalVariants.size(); subSequences.equalVariants.add(index, furtherVariant); foundFurtherVariants = findFurtherVariants (subSequences, parent, start + childCount, end, useEqualSublistLengths); if (foundFurtherVariants) { subSequences.end = end; break; } else { subSequences.equalVariants.remove(index); } } } return foundFurtherVariants; } /** *

* this method merges task tree nodes in a list, if they can be merged. for this, it tries * to merge every node with every other node in the provided list using the * {@link #mergeEqualTasks(ITaskTreeNode, ITaskTreeNode, ITaskTreeBuilder, ITaskTreeNodeFactory)} * method. If a merge is possible, it removes the merged nodes from the list and adds the * merge result. *

* * @param nodes the list of nodes to be merged */ private void mergeEqualNodes(List nodes) { int index1 = 0; int index2 = 0; ITaskTreeNode variant1; ITaskTreeNode variant2; while (index1 < nodes.size()) { variant1 = nodes.get(index1); index2 = index1 + 1; while (index2 < nodes.size()) { variant2 = nodes.get(index2); ITaskTreeNode mergedChild = mergeEqualTasks(variant1, variant2); if (mergedChild != null) { // if we merged something start from the beginning to perform the next merge nodes.remove(index2); nodes.remove(index1); nodes.add(index1, mergedChild); index1 = -1; break; } else { index2++; } } index1++; } } /** *

* this method merges two equal tasks with each other if possible. If the tasks are lexically * equal, the first of them is returned as merge result. If both tasks are of the same * temporal relationship type, the appropriate merge method is called to merge them. If one * of the nodes is a selection, the other one is added as a variant of this selection. * (However, if both nodes are selections, they are merged using the appropriate merge method.) * If merging is not possible, then a selection of both provided nodes is created and * returned as merge result. *

* * @param node1 the first task to be merged * @param node2 the second task to be merged * * @return the result of the merge */ private ITaskTreeNode mergeEqualTasks(ITaskTreeNode node1, ITaskTreeNode node2) { ITaskTreeNode mergeResult = null; if ((node1 instanceof ISequence) && (node2 instanceof ISequence)) { mergeResult = mergeEqualSequences((ISequence) node1, (ISequence) node2); } else if ((node1 instanceof ISelection) && (node2 instanceof ISelection)) { mergeResult = mergeEqualSelections((ISelection) node1, (ISelection) node2); } else if ((node1 instanceof IIteration) && (node2 instanceof IIteration)) { mergeResult = mergeEqualIterations((IIteration) node1, (IIteration) node2); } else if (node1 instanceof ISelection) { taskTreeBuilder.addChild((ISelection) node1, node2); mergeResult = node1; } else if (node2 instanceof ISelection) { taskTreeBuilder.addChild((ISelection) node2, node1); mergeResult = node2; } else if (node1 instanceof IIteration) { mergeResult = mergeEqualTasks(((IIteration) node1).getChildren().get(0), node2); if (mergeResult != null) { IIteration iteration = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewIteration(); taskTreeBuilder.setChild(iteration, mergeResult); mergeResult = iteration; } } else if (node2 instanceof IIteration) { mergeResult = mergeEqualTasks(((IIteration) node2).getChildren().get(0), node1); if (mergeResult != null) { IIteration iteration = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewIteration(); taskTreeBuilder.setChild(iteration, mergeResult); mergeResult = iteration; } } else { NodeEquality nodeEquality = nodeEqualityRuleManager.applyRules(node1, node2); if (nodeEquality.isAtLeast(NodeEquality.LEXICALLY_EQUAL)) { mergeResult = node1; } } if (mergeResult == null) { mergeResult = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewSelection(); taskTreeBuilder.addChild((ISelection) mergeResult, node1); taskTreeBuilder.addChild((ISelection) mergeResult, node2); } return mergeResult; } /** *

* merges equal sequences. This is done through trying to merge each node of sequence 1 with * the node in sequence 2 being located at the same position. If not all children can be merged * or if the sequences have different lengths, null is returned to indicate, that merging is * not possible. For merging children, the * {@link #mergeEqualTasks(ITaskTreeNode, ITaskTreeNode, ITaskTreeBuilder, ITaskTreeNodeFactory)} * method is called. *

* * @param sequence1 the first sequence to be merged * @param sequence2 the second sequence to be merged * * @return the result of the merge or null if merging was not possible */ private ISequence mergeEqualSequences(ISequence sequence1, ISequence sequence2) { ISequence mergeResult = null; if (sequence1.getChildren().size() == sequence2.getChildren().size()) { mergeResult = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewSequence(); for (int i = 0; i < sequence1.getChildren().size(); i++) { ITaskTreeNode mergedNode = mergeEqualTasks (sequence1.getChildren().get(i), sequence2.getChildren().get(i)); if (mergedNode != null) { taskTreeBuilder.addChild(mergeResult, mergedNode); } else { mergeResult = null; break; } } } return mergeResult; } /** *

* merges equal selections. This is done by adding those children of the second selection to * the first selection that can not be merged with any of the children of the first selection. * If a merge is possible and this merge is not a simple selection of the merged children, * then the merged child replaces the child of the first selection which was merged. *

* * @param selection1 the first selection to be merged * @param selection2 the second selection to be merged * * @return the result of the merge which is never null */ private ITaskTreeNode mergeEqualSelections(ISelection selection1, ISelection selection2) { ISelection mergeResult = selection1; ITaskTreeNode childToMerge = null; ITaskTreeNode mergedChild = null; // check for each child of selection 2 if it is a duplicate of one of the children // if selection 1. If not, add it as further child to the merge result, else skip it. for (int i = 0; i < selection2.getChildren().size(); i++) { childToMerge = selection2.getChildren().get(i); for (int j = 0; j < selection1.getChildren().size(); j++) { mergedChild = mergeEqualTasks(selection1.getChildren().get(j), childToMerge); // a merge must not be a selection, except it is one of the children. Otherwise // no real merge was done. if ((mergedChild != null) && ((!(mergedChild instanceof ISelection)) || (selection1.getChildren().get(j) == mergedChild) || (childToMerge == mergedChild))) { // we found a real merge. So replace the original child in selection 1 with // the merged child taskTreeBuilder.removeChild(selection1, selection1.getChildren().get(j)); taskTreeBuilder.addChild(selection1, mergedChild); mergedChild = null; childToMerge = null; break; } } if (childToMerge != null) { taskTreeBuilder.addChild(selection1, childToMerge); } } return mergeResult; } /** *

* merges equal iterations. This is done through merging the children of both iterations. If * this is possible, a resulting iteration with the merge result of the children as its own * child is returned. Otherwise null is returned to indicate that merging was not possible. *

* * @param selection1 the first iteration to be merged * @param selection2 the second iteration to be merged * * @return the result of the merge or null if merging is not possible */ private ITaskTreeNode mergeEqualIterations(IIteration iteration1, IIteration iteration2) { ITaskTreeNode mergedChild = mergeEqualTasks (iteration1.getChildren().get(0), iteration2.getChildren().get(0)); IIteration mergeResult = null; if (mergedChild != null) { mergeResult = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewIteration(); taskTreeBuilder.setChild(mergeResult, mergedChild); } return mergeResult; } /** *

* this is a convenience method to create an iteration based on the identified and already * merged iterated subsequences. This method creates the simplest iteration possible. As an * example, if always the same task tree node is iterated, it becomes the child of the * iteration. If a sequence of tasks is iterated, this sequence becomes the child of the * iteration. It several equal sublists or nodes which are not lexically equal are iterated * they become a selection which in turn become the child of the iteration. *

* * @param subsequences the identified and already merged equal subsequences * * @return the resulting iteration */ private IIteration createIterationBasedOnIdentifiedVariants(SubSequences subsequences, RuleApplicationResult result) { IIteration newIteration = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewIteration(); result.addNewlyCreatedParentNode(newIteration); if (subsequences.equalVariants.size() == 1) { // all children are the same. Create an iteration of this child if (subsequences.equalVariants.get(0).getChildren().size() == 1) { // there is only one equal variant and this has only one child. So create an // iteration of this child taskTreeBuilder.setChild (newIteration, subsequences.equalVariants.get(0).getChildren().get(0)); } else { // there was an iteration of one equal sequence taskTreeBuilder.setChild(newIteration, subsequences.equalVariants.get(0)); result.addNewlyCreatedParentNode(subsequences.equalVariants.get(0)); } } else { // there are distinct variants of equal subsequences or children --> create an // iterated selection ISelection selection = taskTreeNodeFactory.createNewSelection(); result.addNewlyCreatedParentNode(selection); for (ITaskTreeNode variant : subsequences.equalVariants) { if (variant.getChildren().size() == 1) { taskTreeBuilder.addChild(selection, variant.getChildren().get(0)); } else { taskTreeBuilder.addChild(selection, variant); result.addNewlyCreatedParentNode(variant); } } taskTreeBuilder.setChild(newIteration, selection); } return newIteration; } /** *

* as the method has to denote all newly created parent nodes this method identifies them by * comparing the existing subtree with the newly created iteration. Only those parent nodes * in the new iteration, which are not already found in the existing sub tree are denoted as * newly created. We do this in this way, as during the iteration detection algorithm, many * parent nodes are created, which may be discarded later. It is easier to identify the * remaining newly created parent nodes through this way than to integrate it into the * algorithm. *

* * @param existingSubTree the existing subtree * @param newSubTree the identified iteration * @param result the rule application result into which the newly created parent nodes * shall be stored. */ private void determineNewlyCreatedParentTasks(ITaskTreeNode existingSubTree, ITaskTreeNode newSubTree, RuleApplicationResult result) { List existingParentNodes = getParentNodes(existingSubTree); List newParentNodes = getParentNodes(newSubTree); boolean foundNode; for (ITaskTreeNode newParentNode : newParentNodes) { foundNode = false; for (ITaskTreeNode existingParentNode : existingParentNodes) { // It is sufficient to compare the references. The algorithm reuses nodes as they // are. So any node existing in the new structure that is also in the old structure // was unchanged an therefore does not need to be handled as a newly created one. // but every node in the new structure that is not included in the old structure // must be treated as a newly created one. if (newParentNode == existingParentNode) { foundNode = true; break; } } if (!foundNode) { result.addNewlyCreatedParentNode(newParentNode); } } } /** *

* convenience method to determine all parent nodes existing in a subtree *

* * @param subtree the subtree to search for parent nodes in * * @return a list of parent nodes existing in the subtree */ private List getParentNodes(ITaskTreeNode subtree) { List parentNodes = new ArrayList(); if (subtree.getChildren().size() > 0) { parentNodes.add(subtree); for (ITaskTreeNode child : subtree.getChildren()) { parentNodes.addAll(getParentNodes(child)); } } return parentNodes; } /** *

* used to have a container for equal sublists identified in a sub part of the children of * a parent node. *

* * @author Patrick Harms */ private static class SubSequences { /** *

* the beginning of the subpart of the children of the parent node in which the sublists * are found (inclusive) *

*/ public int start; /** *

* the end of the subpart of the children of the parent node in which the sublists * are found (exclusive) *

*/ public int end; /** *

* the equal sublists found in the subpart of the children of the parent node *

*/ List equalVariants = new ArrayList(); } }