// Copyright 2012 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.commands.usability; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.CommandHelpers; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.eventcore.IEventTarget; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.taskequality.TaskEquality; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.temporalrelation.TaskHandlingStrategy; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.DefaultTaskInstanceTraversingVisitor; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.IEventTask; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.IEventTaskInstance; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.IIteration; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.IOptional; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ISelection; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ISequence; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ITask; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ITaskInstance; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.ITaskModel; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.IUserSession; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.tasktrees.treeifc.TaskTreeUtils; import de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.usageprofiles.SymbolMap; import de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Command; import de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Console; import de.ugoe.cs.util.console.GlobalDataContainer; /** *

* compares a set of task models with each other and drops their similarity as results *

* * @author Patrick Harms * @version 1.0 */ public class CMDgetTaskModelCrossCoverage implements Command { /** */ private static Object EOF = new Object(); /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Command#help() */ @Override public String help() { return "getTaskModelCrossCoverage ..."; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Command#run(java.util.List) */ @Override public void run(List parameters) { List inputTaskTreeNames = new LinkedList<>(); try { for (Object param : parameters) { inputTaskTreeNames.add((String) param); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must provide valid input task tree names"); } Map>> inputTaskModels = new IdentityHashMap<>(); ITaskModel firstModel = null; final SymbolMap eventTasksOfFirstModel = new TaskHandlingStrategy(TaskEquality.SEMANTICALLY_EQUAL).createSymbolMap(); for (String inputTaskTreeName : inputTaskTreeNames) { Object dataObject = GlobalDataContainer.getInstance().getData(inputTaskTreeName); if (dataObject == null) { CommandHelpers.objectNotFoundMessage(inputTaskTreeName); continue; } if (!(dataObject instanceof ITaskModel)) { CommandHelpers.objectNotType(inputTaskTreeName, "ITaskModel"); continue; } System.out.println("preparing sessions to check for " + dataObject); List> sessionsToCheck = new LinkedList<>(); final Map identityMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (IUserSession session : ((ITaskModel) dataObject).getUserSessions()) { final List eventTasks = new ArrayList<>(); for (ITaskInstance instance : session) { instance.accept(new DefaultTaskInstanceTraversingVisitor() { @Override public void visit(IEventTaskInstance eventTaskInstance) { IEventTask eventTask = eventTaskInstance.getEventTask(); IEventTask replacement = identityMap.get(eventTask); if (replacement == null) { replacement = eventTasksOfFirstModel.getValue(eventTask); if (replacement == null) { replacement = eventTaskInstance.getEventTask(); eventTasksOfFirstModel.addSymbol(replacement, replacement); } identityMap.put(eventTask, replacement); } eventTasks.add(replacement); } }); } sessionsToCheck.add(eventTasks); } inputTaskModels.put((ITaskModel) dataObject, sessionsToCheck); if (firstModel == null) { firstModel = (ITaskModel) dataObject; } } getTaskModelCrossCoverage(firstModel, inputTaskModels); } /** * */ private void getTaskModelCrossCoverage(ITaskModel modelToCompare, Map>> sessionsToCheck) { System.out.println("creating parsing tables for " + modelToCompare); List parsingTables = getParsingTables(modelToCompare); for (Map.Entry>> entry : sessionsToCheck.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() != modelToCompare) { System.out.println("performing parsing against " + entry.getKey()); Statistics statistics = new Statistics(modelToCompare, entry.getKey()); parse(entry.getValue(), parsingTables, statistics); statistics.dump(System.out); } } } /** * */ private List getParsingTables(ITaskModel forTaskModel) { List rules = new LinkedList<>(); for (ITask task : forTaskModel.getTasks()) { if (task instanceof ISequence) { // other task types will be handled implicitly addRulesIfNotThere(rules, createProductionRules((ISequence) task)); } } List tables = new ArrayList(); int count = 0; for (ITask task : forTaskModel.getTasks()) { if (task instanceof ISequence) { try { tables.add(createParsingTable((ISequence) task, getRelevantRules(task, rules))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Console.println(e.toString() + " " + ++count); } } } return tables; } /** * */ private List createProductionRules(ISequence sequence) { //new TaskTreeEncoder().encode(sequence, System.out); List rules = new LinkedList(); List executionVariants = new ArrayList<>(sequence.getChildren().size()); int noOfOptionalChildren = 0; for (ITask child : sequence.getChildren()) { ExecutionVariants variants = getExecutionVariants(child); if (variants.canBeOptional()) { noOfOptionalChildren++; } executionVariants.add(variants); } // for iterations and selections, we create non terminals // for optional children, we create multiple production for the current sequence // all other children are just added for (int i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, noOfOptionalChildren); i++) { int childIndex = 0; int optionalIndex = 0; List rightHandSide = new ArrayList<>(); for (ITask child : sequence.getChildren()) { boolean leaveout = false; if (child instanceof IEventTask) { rightHandSide.add(child); childIndex++; continue; } else if (executionVariants.get(childIndex).canBeOptional()) { // child is optional, check if to be left out if ((((int) Math.pow(2, optionalIndex)) & i) == 0) { leaveout = true; } optionalIndex++; } if (leaveout) { childIndex++; continue; } Object childSymbol = null; if (executionVariants.get(childIndex).size() > 1) { // create selective production rules childSymbol = sequence.getId() + "_sel" + childIndex; int variantIndex = 0; for (ExecutionVariant executionVariant : executionVariants.get(childIndex)) { if (!executionVariant.canBeIterated) { rules.add(new ProductionRule ((String) childSymbol, new Object[] { getSymbol(executionVariant.task) })); } else { // create iterative production rules String iterationSymbol = childSymbol + "_it" + variantIndex; rules.add(new ProductionRule (iterationSymbol, new Object[] { iterationSymbol, executionVariant.task })); rules.add(new ProductionRule(iterationSymbol, new Object[] { executionVariant.task })); rules.add(new ProductionRule((String) childSymbol, new Object[] { iterationSymbol })); } variantIndex++; } } else { childSymbol = getSymbol(executionVariants.get(childIndex).get(0).task); } if (isIteration(child)) { // create iterative production rules String iterationSymbol = sequence.getId() + "_it" + childIndex; rules.add(new ProductionRule(iterationSymbol, new Object[] { iterationSymbol, childSymbol })); rules.add(new ProductionRule(iterationSymbol, new Object[] { childSymbol })); childSymbol = iterationSymbol; } rightHandSide.add(childSymbol); childIndex++; } rules.add(new ProductionRule(Integer.toString(sequence.getId()), rightHandSide.toArray())); } return rules; } /** * */ private boolean isIteration(ITask child) { if (child instanceof IIteration) { return true; } else if (child instanceof IOptional) { return isIteration(((IOptional) child).getMarkedTask()); } return false; } /** * */ private Object getSymbol(ITask executionVariant) { if (executionVariant instanceof IEventTask) { return executionVariant; } else { return Integer.toString(executionVariant.getId()); } } /** * */ private ExecutionVariants getExecutionVariants(ITask task) { if (task instanceof IOptional) { ExecutionVariants result = getExecutionVariants(((IOptional) task).getMarkedTask()); result.setCanBeOptional(); return result; } else if (task instanceof ISelection) { ExecutionVariants result = new ExecutionVariants(); for (ITask child : ((ISelection) task).getChildren()) { result.addAll(getExecutionVariants(child)); } return result; } else if (task instanceof IIteration) { ExecutionVariants result = getExecutionVariants(((IIteration) task).getMarkedTask()); result.setCanBeIterated(); return result; } else { ExecutionVariants result = new ExecutionVariants(); result.add(task); return result; } } /** * */ private void addRulesIfNotThere(List rules, List newRules) { for (ProductionRule newRule : newRules) { boolean found = false; for (ProductionRule candidate : rules) { if (candidate.equals(newRule)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { rules.add(newRule); } } } /** * */ private List getRelevantRules(ITask task, List rules) { List relevantRules = new LinkedList<>(); Set handledNonTerminals = new HashSet<>(); Stack nonTerminals = new Stack(); nonTerminals.push((String) getSymbol(task)); // search for relevant rules that belong to the grammar initiated by the initial rule do { String nonTerminal = nonTerminals.pop(); handledNonTerminals.add(nonTerminal); for (ProductionRule candidate : rules) { if (candidate.leftHandSide.equals(nonTerminal)) { relevantRules.add(candidate); for (int i = 0; i < candidate.rightHandSide.length; i++) { if ((candidate.rightHandSide[i] instanceof String) && !handledNonTerminals.contains((String) candidate.rightHandSide[i])) { nonTerminals.push((String) candidate.rightHandSide[i]); } } } } } while (nonTerminals.size() > 0); return relevantRules; } /** * */ private ParsingTable createParsingTable(ISequence task, List rules) { ParsingTable table = new ParsingTable(task); List fullRuleSet = new LinkedList<>(rules); ProductionRule initialRule = new ProductionRule("S'", new Object[] { getSymbol(task), EOF }); fullRuleSet.add(0, initialRule); ProductionRulePosition initialPosition = new ProductionRulePosition(initialRule, 0); State initialState = new State(); initialState.add(initialPosition); // create the state machine as typical for an LR(1) parser List states = new LinkedList<>(); states.add(closure(initialState, fullRuleSet)); List edges = new LinkedList<>(); int noOfStates; int noOfEdges; do { noOfStates = states.size(); noOfEdges = edges.size(); List newStates = new LinkedList(); List newEdges = new LinkedList(); for (State state : states) { for (ProductionRulePosition position : state) { if (position.getNextSymbol() != null) { State newState = gotoFunction(state, position.getNextSymbol(), fullRuleSet); if (newState.size() > 0) { State existing = null; for (State candidate : states) { if (candidate.equals(newState)) { existing = candidate; break; } } if (existing == null) { // check if the state is one of the new states for (State candidate : newStates) { if (candidate.equals(newState)) { existing = candidate; break; } } } if (existing != null) { newEdges.add(new Edge(state, existing, position.getNextSymbol())); } else { newStates.add(newState); newEdges.add(new Edge(state, newState, position.getNextSymbol())); } } } } } addStatesIfNotContained(states, newStates); addEdgesIfNotContained(edges, newEdges); } while ((noOfStates != states.size()) && (noOfEdges != edges.size())); /*System.out.println("\n\n\n\n"); new TaskTreeEncoder().encode(task, System.out); System.out.println("\n"); for (ProductionRule rule : fullRuleSet) { System.out.println(rule); } System.out.println("\n"); for (State state : states) { System.out.println(state); } System.out.println("\n"); for (Edge edge : edges) { System.out.println ("edge from " + edge.source.id + " to " + edge.dest.id + " on " + edge.symbol); }*/ // now create the table based on the states and edges for (Edge edge : edges) { if ((edge.symbol instanceof IEventTask) || (edge.symbol == EOF)) { table.addShift(edge.dest, edge.source, edge.symbol); } else { table.addGoto(edge.dest, edge.source, edge.symbol); } } for (State state : states) { for (ProductionRulePosition position : state) { if (position.getNextSymbol() == null) { Set followSet = getFollowSet(position.rule.leftHandSide, initialRule, fullRuleSet); for (Object symbol : followSet) { table.addReduce(state, symbol, position.rule); } } } } /*System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println(task); System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println(table); List> testinputs = new LinkedList<>(); for (ITaskInstance instance : task.getInstances()) { final List eventTasks = new ArrayList<>(); instance.accept(new DefaultTaskInstanceTraversingVisitor() { @Override public void visit(IEventTaskInstance eventTaskInstance) { eventTasks.add(eventTaskInstance.getEventTask()); } }); testinputs.add(eventTasks); } List tables = new LinkedList<>(); tables.add(table); parse(testinputs, tables);*/ return table; } /** * */ private Set getFollowSet(String leftHandSide, ProductionRule initialRule, List rules) { // search for all elements that may follow the given left hand side. // consider also other non terminals whose production rules have a right hand side // ending with the given left hand side Set result = new HashSet<>(); List positions = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; positions.add (new ProductionRulePosition(new ProductionRule(leftHandSide, new Object[] {}), 0)); while (index < positions.size()) { ProductionRulePosition productionRulePosition = positions.get(index++); String nonTerminal = productionRulePosition.rule.leftHandSide; List newPositions = new LinkedList<>(); if (productionRulePosition.getNextSymbol() == null) { // we are at the end of the production rule. Add further production rule positions // for all parent production rules for (ProductionRule candidate : rules) { for (int i = 0; i < candidate.rightHandSide.length; i++) { if (nonTerminal.equals(candidate.rightHandSide[i])) { newPositions.add(new ProductionRulePosition(candidate, i + 1)); } } } } else { // we are in the middle of a rule. If the next symbol is a terminal, add it to // the resulting set. If not, add all rules of the respective non terminal with // position 0 to the stack if ((productionRulePosition.getNextSymbol() instanceof IEventTask) || (productionRulePosition.getNextSymbol() == EOF)) { result.add(productionRulePosition.getNextSymbol()); } else { for (ProductionRule candidate : rules) { if (candidate.leftHandSide.equals(productionRulePosition.getNextSymbol())) { newPositions.add(new ProductionRulePosition(candidate, 0)); } } } } for (ProductionRulePosition newPosition : newPositions) { boolean found = false; for (ProductionRulePosition posCandidate : positions) { if (posCandidate.equals(newPosition)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { positions.add(newPosition); } } } return result; } /** * */ private State closure(State state, List rules) { State closure = new State(state); int statesize; do { statesize = closure.size(); List newPositions = new LinkedList<>(); for (ProductionRulePosition position : closure) { Object nextSymbol = position.getNextSymbol(); if (nextSymbol != null) { for (ProductionRule candidate : rules) { if (candidate.leftHandSide.equals(nextSymbol)) { newPositions.add(new ProductionRulePosition(candidate, 0)); } } } } for (ProductionRulePosition newPosition : newPositions) { boolean alreadyContained = false; for (ProductionRulePosition existing : closure) { if ((existing.rule == newPosition.rule) && (existing.position == newPosition.position)) { alreadyContained = true; break; } } if (!alreadyContained) { closure.add(newPosition); } } } while (statesize != closure.size()); return closure; } /** * */ private State gotoFunction(State state, Object nextSymbol, List rules) { State result = new State(); for (ProductionRulePosition position : state) { if (nextSymbol.equals(position.getNextSymbol())) { ProductionRulePosition nextPosition = position.advance(); if (nextPosition != null) { result.add(nextPosition); } } } return closure(result, rules); } /** * */ private void addStatesIfNotContained(List states, List newStates) { for (State newState : newStates) { boolean found = false; for (State candidate : states) { if (candidate.equals(newState)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { states.add(newState); } else { throw new IllegalStateException ("the algorithm should reuse existing states and not add them again"); } } } /** * */ private void addEdgesIfNotContained(List edges, List newEdges) { for (Edge newEdge : newEdges) { boolean found = false; for (Edge candidate : edges) { if (candidate.equals(newEdge)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { edges.add(newEdge); } } } /** * */ private int parse(List> inputs, List parsingTables, Statistics statistics) { int sessionIndex = 0; int allActions = 0; ParsingTableIndex tableIndex = new ParsingTableIndex(parsingTables, statistics); for (List input : inputs) { System.out.print("parsing session " + (sessionIndex + 1) + "/" + inputs.size() + ": "); List currentParsers = new LinkedList<>(); int index = 0; for (IEventTask token : input) { allActions++; index++; for (ParsingTable table : tableIndex.getRelevantTables(token)) { currentParsers.add(new Parser(table)); } //System.out.println(currentParsers.size() + " " + token); List continuingParsers = new LinkedList<>(); for (Parser parser : currentParsers) { Parser.Result result = parser.handleToken(token); if (result == Parser.Result.CONTINUE) { Parser alternative = getParserInSameState(continuingParsers, parser); if ((alternative == null) || (alternative.noOfParsedTokens < parser.noOfParsedTokens)) { continuingParsers.add(parser); if (parser.checkSuccess()) { //System.out.println("parser is continuing and also successing"); statistics.addCoveredActions (parser.table.sequence, sessionIndex, input.size(), index - parser.getNoOfParsedTokens(), index - 1); } } } else if (result == Parser.Result.SUCCESS) { statistics.addCoveredActions (parser.table.sequence, sessionIndex, input.size(), index - parser.getNoOfParsedTokens(), index - 2); } } currentParsers = continuingParsers; } for (Parser parser : currentParsers) { if (parser.checkSuccess()) { statistics.addCoveredActions (parser.table.sequence, sessionIndex, input.size(), index - parser.getNoOfParsedTokens(), index - 1); } } System.out.println ("parsed " + statistics.getCoveredActions(sessionIndex) + " of " + input.size() + " actions"); sessionIndex++; } System.out.println ("parsed " + statistics.getRecalledActions() + " of " + allActions + " actions in " + inputs.size() + " sessions (" + (100 * statistics.getRecalledActions() / allActions) + "%)"); return statistics.getRecalledActions(); } /** * */ private Parser getParserInSameState(List existingParsers, Parser parser) { Stack stack2 = parser.stack; PARSER: for (Parser existing : existingParsers) { if (existing.table != parser.table) { continue; } Stack stack1 = existing.stack; if (stack1.size() == stack2.size()) { Iterator it1 = stack1.iterator(); Iterator it2 = stack1.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { StackEntry entry1 = it1.next(); StackEntry entry2 = it2.next(); if (entry1.state != entry2.state) { continue PARSER; } if (entry1.symbol instanceof IEventTask) { if (entry1.symbol != entry2.symbol) { continue PARSER; } } else if ((entry1.symbol != null) && (!entry1.symbol.equals(entry2.symbol))) { continue PARSER; } else if (entry1.symbol != entry2.symbol) { continue PARSER; } } // parsers are in same state return existing; } } return null; } /** * */ private static class Parser { /** */ private enum Result { CONTINUE, FAIL, SUCCESS } /** */ private ParsingTable table; /** */ private Stack stack = new Stack<>(); /** */ private int noOfParsedTokens = 0; /** * */ private Parser(ParsingTable table) { this.table = table; stack.push(new StackEntry(null, table.getInitialState())); } /** * */ private int getNoOfParsedTokens() { return noOfParsedTokens; } /** * */ private boolean checkSuccess() { // check the potential success of a copy of the stack to allow for parsing further // tokens that are repetitions also allowed by the parser Stack stackCopy = new Stack<>(); for (StackEntry entry : stack) { stackCopy.push(entry); } Action action; do { action = table.getAction(stackCopy.peek().state, EOF); if ((action != null) && (action.type == Action.Type.SHIFT)) { return true; } else if ((action == null) || (action.type != Action.Type.REDUCE)) { return false; } ProductionRule rule = action.rule; //System.out.println(" reducing " + rule); for (int i = rule.rightHandSide.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { /*StackEntry entry = */stackCopy.pop(); /*if (!entry.symbol.equals(rule.rightHandSide[i])) { throw new RuntimeException("reduction seems to be wrong"); }*/ } Action gotoAct = table.getAction(stackCopy.peek().state, rule.leftHandSide); State nextState = stackCopy.peek().state; if (gotoAct != null) { //System.out.println(" performing goto to " + gotoAct.dest.id); nextState = gotoAct.dest; } stackCopy.push(new StackEntry(rule.leftHandSide, nextState)); } while (action != null); return true; } /** * */ private Result handleToken(IEventTask token) { noOfParsedTokens ++; Action action = table.getAction(stack.peek().state, token); if (action == null) { if (checkSuccess()) { return Result.SUCCESS; } else { return Result.FAIL; } } /*System.out.println(" " + stack); System.out.println(" " + token); System.out.println (" action for " + stack.peek().state.id + " on " + token + " is " + action);*/ while (action.type == Action.Type.REDUCE) { ProductionRule rule = action.rule; //System.out.println(" reducing " + rule); for (int i = rule.rightHandSide.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { /*StackEntry entry = */stack.pop(); /*if (!entry.symbol.equals(rule.rightHandSide[i])) { throw new RuntimeException("reduction seems to be wrong"); }*/ } Action gotoAct = table.getAction(stack.peek().state, rule.leftHandSide); State nextState = stack.peek().state; if (gotoAct != null) { //System.out.println(" performing goto to " + gotoAct.dest.id); nextState = gotoAct.dest; } stack.push(new StackEntry(rule.leftHandSide, nextState)); action = table.getAction(stack.peek().state, token); if (action == null) { if (checkSuccess()) { return Result.SUCCESS; } else { return Result.FAIL; } } } if (action.type == Action.Type.SHIFT) { //System.out.println(" shift to " + action.dest.id); stack.push(new StackEntry(token, action.dest)); } else if (action.type == Action.Type.GOTO) { //System.out.println(" unexpected goto " + action.dest.id); stack.peek().state = action.dest; } return Result.CONTINUE; } } /** * */ private static class ParsingTable { /** */ private ISequence sequence; /** */ private Map> table = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** * */ private ParsingTable(ISequence sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; } /** * */ private void addShift(State dest, State source, Object symbol) { List row = table.get(source); if (row == null) { row = new LinkedList(); table.put(source, row); } //System.out.println("adding shift " + dest.id + " for " + source.id + "," + symbol); row.add(new ParsingTableEntry(symbol, new Action(Action.Type.SHIFT, dest))); } /** * */ private void addGoto(State dest, State source, Object symbol) { List row = table.get(source); if (row == null) { row = new LinkedList(); table.put(source, row); } //System.out.println("adding goto " + dest.id + " for " + source.id + "," + symbol); row.add(new ParsingTableEntry(symbol, new Action(Action.Type.GOTO, dest))); } /** * */ private void addReduce(State source, Object symbol, ProductionRule rule) { List row = table.get(source); if (row == null) { row = new LinkedList(); table.put(source, row); } for (ParsingTableEntry entry : row) { if (entry.symbol.equals(symbol)) { System.out.println("conflict for " + source.id + " and terminal " + symbol + ": " + entry.action + " " + new Action(rule)); throw new IllegalArgumentException("creating shift/reduce conflict"); } } row.add(new ParsingTableEntry(symbol, new Action(rule))); } /** * */ private State getInitialState() { for (State candidate : table.keySet()) { for (ProductionRulePosition position : candidate) { if ((position.position == 0) && (position.rule.leftHandSide.equals("S'"))) { return candidate; } } } return null; } /** * */ private List getInitialTokens() { State initialState = getInitialState(); List result = new LinkedList<>(); for (ParsingTableEntry entry : table.get(initialState)) { if (entry.symbol instanceof IEventTask) { result.add((IEventTask) entry.symbol); } } return result; } /** * */ private Action getAction(State state, Object symbol) { List row = table.get(state); if (row != null) { if (symbol instanceof IEventTask) { for (ParsingTableEntry entry : row) { if (entry.symbol == symbol) { return entry.action; } } } else { for (ParsingTableEntry entry : row) { if (entry.symbol.equals(symbol)) { return entry.action; } } } } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { Set eventTasks = new HashSet<>(); eventTasks.add(EOF); Set symbols = new HashSet<>(); Set states = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : table.entrySet()) { for (ParsingTableEntry tableEntry : entry.getValue()) { if (tableEntry.symbol instanceof IEventTask) { eventTasks.add((IEventTask) tableEntry.symbol); } else if (tableEntry.symbol instanceof String) { symbols.add((String) tableEntry.symbol); } } states.add(entry.getKey()); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("\t|"); for (Object task : eventTasks) { if (task instanceof IEventTask) { result.append(((IEventTask) task).getId()); } else { result.append("EOF"); } result.append("\t|"); } for (String symbol : symbols) { result.append(symbol); result.append("\t|"); } result.append('\n'); result.append("--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (State state : states) { result.append(state.id); result.append("\t|"); for (Object task : eventTasks) { Action act = null; if (table.containsKey(state)) { act = getAction(state, task); } if (act != null) { result.append(act); } result.append("\t|"); } for (String symbol : symbols) { Action act = null; if (table.containsKey(state)) { act = getAction(state, symbol); } if (act != null) { result.append(act); } result.append("\t|"); } result.append('\n'); } return result.toString(); } } /** * */ private static class ParsingTableEntry { /** */ private Object symbol; /** */ private Action action; /** * */ private ParsingTableEntry(Object symbol, Action action) { this.symbol = symbol; this.action = action; } } /** * */ private static class Action { private enum Type { SHIFT, GOTO, REDUCE } /** */ private Type type; /** */ private State dest; /** */ private ProductionRule rule; /** * */ private Action(Type type, State dest) { this.type = type; this.dest = dest; this.rule = null; } /** * */ private Action(ProductionRule rule) { this.type = Type.REDUCE; this.dest = null; this.rule = rule; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { switch (type) { case SHIFT: return "s" + dest.id; case GOTO: return "g" + dest.id; case REDUCE: return "r" + rule.id; } throw new IllegalStateException("action type must be one of shift, goto, and reduce"); } } /** * */ private static class ParsingTableIndex { /** */ private Map> index = new HashMap<>(); /** * */ private ParsingTableIndex(List allTables, Statistics statistics) { for (ParsingTable table : allTables) { statistics.addCheckedSequence(table.sequence); for (IEventTask firstToken : table.getInitialTokens()) { IEventTaskInstance exampleinstance = (IEventTaskInstance) firstToken.getInstances().iterator().next(); List group = index.get(exampleinstance.getEvent().getTarget()); if (group == null) { group = new LinkedList<>(); index.put(exampleinstance.getEvent().getTarget(), group); } group.add(table); } } } /** * */ private List getRelevantTables(IEventTask token) { IEventTaskInstance exampleinstance = (IEventTaskInstance) token.getInstances().iterator().next(); List result = index.get(exampleinstance.getEvent().getTarget()); if (result != null) { return result; } else { return new LinkedList<>(); } } } /** * */ private static class ProductionRule { /** */ private String leftHandSide; /** */ private Object[] rightHandSide; /** */ private static int IDCOUNTER = 0; /** */ private final int id = IDCOUNTER++; /** * */ private ProductionRule(String leftHandSide, Object[] rightHandSide) { this.leftHandSide = leftHandSide; this.rightHandSide = rightHandSide; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(id); result.append(": "); result.append(leftHandSide); result.append(" ---> "); for (Object symbol : rightHandSide) { result.append(symbol); result.append(" "); } return result.toString(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof ProductionRule)) { return false; } ProductionRule other = (ProductionRule) obj; if (!other.leftHandSide.equals(this.leftHandSide)) { return false; } if (other.rightHandSide.length != this.rightHandSide.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < other.rightHandSide.length; i++) { if (!other.rightHandSide[i].equals(this.rightHandSide[i])) { return false; } } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { return leftHandSide.hashCode(); } } /** * */ private static class ProductionRulePosition { /** */ private ProductionRule rule; /** */ private int position; /** * */ private ProductionRulePosition(ProductionRule rule, int position) { this.rule = rule; this.position = position; } /** * */ private ProductionRulePosition advance() { if (position < rule.rightHandSide.length) { return new ProductionRulePosition(rule, position + 1); } else { return null; } } /** * */ private Object getNextSymbol() { if (position < rule.rightHandSide.length) { return rule.rightHandSide[position]; } else { return null; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj instanceof ProductionRulePosition) && (this.rule.equals(((ProductionRulePosition) obj).rule)) && (this.position == ((ProductionRulePosition) obj).position); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.rule.hashCode() + this.position; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return rule + " (position " + position + ")"; } } /** * */ private static class State extends ArrayList { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** */ private static int IDCOUNTER = 0; /** */ private final int id = IDCOUNTER++; /** * */ private State() { super(); } /** * */ private State(Collection c) { super(c); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.AbstractList#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof State)) { return false; } State otherState = (State) other; if (otherState.size() != this.size()) { return false; } for (ProductionRulePosition position : this) { boolean positionFound = false; for (ProductionRulePosition candidatePosition : otherState) { if (position.equals(candidatePosition)) { positionFound = true; break; } } if (!positionFound) { return false; } } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.AbstractCollection#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("State "); result.append(id); result.append('\n'); for (ProductionRulePosition pos : this) { result.append(" "); result.append(pos); result.append('\n'); } return result.toString(); } } /** * */ private static class Edge { /** */ private State source; /** */ private State dest; /** */ private Object symbol; /** * */ private Edge(State source, State dest, Object symbol) { this.source = source; this.dest = dest; this.symbol = symbol; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } else { return (obj instanceof Edge) && (((Edge) obj).source.equals(this.source)) && (((Edge) obj).dest.equals(this.dest)) && (((Edge) obj).symbol.equals(this.symbol)); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.symbol.hashCode(); } } /** * */ private static class ExecutionVariants extends ArrayList { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * */ private void setCanBeOptional() { for (ExecutionVariant variant : this) { variant.canBeOptional = true; } } /** * */ private boolean canBeOptional() { for (ExecutionVariant variant : this) { if (variant.canBeOptional) { return true; } } return false; } /** * */ private void add(ITask task) { super.add(new ExecutionVariant(task)); } /** * */ private void setCanBeIterated() { for (ExecutionVariant variant : this) { variant.canBeIterated = true; } } } /** * */ private static class ExecutionVariant { /** */ private ITask task; /** */ private boolean canBeOptional = false; /** */ private boolean canBeIterated = false; /** * */ private ExecutionVariant(ITask task) { this.task = task; } } /** * */ private static class StackEntry { /** */ private Object symbol; /** */ private State state; /** * */ private StackEntry(Object symbol, State state) { super(); this.symbol = symbol; this.state = state; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "(" + symbol + "," + state.id + ")"; } } /** * */ private static class Statistics { /** */ private ITaskModel comparedModel; /** */ private ITaskModel comparedWithModel; /** */ private Map sessionCoverage = new HashMap<>(); /** */ private Map> sequenceCoverage = new HashMap<>(); /** */ private int allEventsOfComparedModel; /** */ private int allSequencesOfComparedModel; /** */ private int eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedModel; /** */ private int allEventsOfComparedWithModel; /** */ private int allSequencesOfComparedWithModel; /** */ private int eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedWithModel; /** * */ private Statistics(ITaskModel comparedModel, ITaskModel comparedWithModel) { super(); this.comparedModel = comparedModel; this.comparedWithModel = comparedWithModel; this.allEventsOfComparedModel = getAllEvents(comparedModel); Set sequences = getSequences(comparedModel); this.allSequencesOfComparedModel = sequences.size(); this.eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedModel = TaskTreeUtils.getNoOfEventsCoveredBySequences(sequences); this.allEventsOfComparedWithModel = getAllEvents(comparedWithModel); sequences = getSequences(comparedWithModel); this.allSequencesOfComparedWithModel = sequences.size(); this.eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedWithModel = TaskTreeUtils.getNoOfEventsCoveredBySequences(sequences); } /** * */ private Set getSequences(ITaskModel model) { Set result = new HashSet<>(); for (ITask candidate : model.getTasks()) { if (candidate instanceof ISequence) { result.add((ISequence) candidate); } } return result; } /** * */ private int getAllEvents(ITaskModel model) { int allEvents = 0; for (ITask task : model.getTasks()) { if (task instanceof IEventTask) { allEvents += task.getInstances().size(); } } return allEvents; } /** * */ private int getCoveredActions(int sessionIndex) { boolean[] coveredActions = sessionCoverage.get(sessionIndex); if (coveredActions == null) { return 0; } else { int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < coveredActions.length; i++) { if (coveredActions[i]) { counter++; } } return counter; } } /** * */ private int getRecalledActions() { int overallCoverage = 0; for (boolean[] coveredActions : sessionCoverage.values()) { for (int i = 0; i < coveredActions.length; i++) { if (coveredActions[i]) { overallCoverage++; } } } return overallCoverage; } /** * */ private int getRecalledActionsOf(Set sequences) { Map combinedCoveredSessions = new HashMap<>(); for (ISequence sequence : sequences) { Map coveredSessions = sequenceCoverage.get(sequence); if (coveredSessions != null) { for (Map.Entry entry : coveredSessions.entrySet()) { boolean[] combinedSession = combinedCoveredSessions.get(entry.getKey()); if (combinedSession == null) { combinedSession = new boolean[entry.getValue().length]; combinedCoveredSessions.put(entry.getKey(), combinedSession); } for (int i = 0; i < combinedSession.length; i++) { if (entry.getValue()[i]) { combinedSession[i] = true; } } } } } int overallCoverage = 0; for (boolean[] coveredActions : combinedCoveredSessions.values()) { for (int i = 0; i < coveredActions.length; i++) { if (coveredActions[i]) { overallCoverage++; } } } return overallCoverage; } /** * */ private void addCheckedSequence(ISequence coveringSequence) { Map coveredSessions = sequenceCoverage.get(coveringSequence); if (coveredSessions == null) { coveredSessions = new HashMap<>(); sequenceCoverage.put(coveringSequence, coveredSessions); } } /** * */ private void addCoveredActions(ISequence coveringSequence, int sessionIndex, int sessionSize, int indexFirstAction, int indexLastAction) { boolean[] coveredActions = sessionCoverage.get(sessionIndex); if (coveredActions == null) { coveredActions = new boolean[sessionSize]; sessionCoverage.put(sessionIndex, coveredActions); } for (int i = indexFirstAction; i <= indexLastAction; i++) { coveredActions[i] = true; } Map coveredSessions = sequenceCoverage.get(coveringSequence); if (coveredSessions == null) { coveredSessions = new HashMap<>(); sequenceCoverage.put(coveringSequence, coveredSessions); } coveredActions = coveredSessions.get(sessionIndex); if (coveredActions == null) { coveredActions = new boolean[sessionSize]; coveredSessions.put(sessionIndex, coveredActions); } for (int i = indexFirstAction; i <= indexLastAction; i++) { coveredActions[i] = true; } } /** * */ private void dump(PrintStream out) { Set mostProminentSequences = TaskTreeUtils.getMostProminentSequences(comparedModel, sequenceCoverage.keySet()); int eventsCoveredByAllSequences = TaskTreeUtils.getNoOfEventsCoveredBySequences(sequenceCoverage.keySet()); int eventsCoveredByMostProminent = TaskTreeUtils.getNoOfEventsCoveredBySequences(mostProminentSequences); int recalledActions = getRecalledActions(); int recalledActionsMostProminent = getRecalledActionsOf(mostProminentSequences); out.println("\nComparison Statistics"); out.println("======================================================================="); out.println("compared model: " + comparedModel); out.println(" all actions in sessions: " + allEventsOfComparedModel); out.println(" all sequences of model: " + allSequencesOfComparedModel); out.println(" checked sequences of model: " + formatPerc(sequenceCoverage.keySet().size(), allSequencesOfComparedModel)); out.println(" most prominent checked sequences of model: " + mostProminentSequences.size()); out.println(" actions covered by all sequences: " + formatPerc(eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedModel, allEventsOfComparedModel)); out.println(" actions covered by checked sequences: " + formatPerc(eventsCoveredByAllSequences, allEventsOfComparedModel)); out.println("actions covered by most prominent checked sequences: " + formatPerc(eventsCoveredByMostProminent, allEventsOfComparedModel)); out.println(); out.println("compared with: " + comparedWithModel); out.println(" all actions in sessions: " + allEventsOfComparedWithModel); out.println(" all sequences of model: " + allSequencesOfComparedWithModel); out.println(" actions covered by all sequences: " + formatPerc(eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedWithModel, allEventsOfComparedWithModel)); out.println(); out.println(" actions covered by checked sequences: " + formatPerc(recalledActions, allEventsOfComparedWithModel)); out.println(" actions covered by most prominent sequences: " + formatPerc(recalledActionsMostProminent, allEventsOfComparedWithModel)); out.println(); out.print("CSV: "); out.print(allEventsOfComparedModel); out.print(";"); out.print(allSequencesOfComparedModel); out.print(";"); out.print(sequenceCoverage.keySet().size()); out.print(";"); out.print((double) sequenceCoverage.keySet().size() / allSequencesOfComparedModel); out.print(";"); out.print(mostProminentSequences.size()); out.print(";"); out.print(eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedModel); out.print(";"); out.print((double) eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedModel / allEventsOfComparedModel); out.print(";"); out.print(eventsCoveredByAllSequences); out.print(";"); out.print((double) eventsCoveredByAllSequences / allEventsOfComparedModel); out.print(";"); out.print(eventsCoveredByMostProminent); out.print(";"); out.print((double) eventsCoveredByMostProminent / allEventsOfComparedModel); out.print(";"); out.print(allEventsOfComparedWithModel); out.print(";"); out.print(allSequencesOfComparedWithModel); out.print(";"); out.print(eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedWithModel); out.print(";"); out.print((double) eventsCoveredBySequencesOfComparedWithModel / allEventsOfComparedWithModel); out.print(";"); out.print(recalledActions); out.print(";"); out.print((double) recalledActions / allEventsOfComparedWithModel); out.print(";"); out.print(recalledActionsMostProminent); out.print(";"); out.print((double) recalledActionsMostProminent / allEventsOfComparedWithModel); out.println(); out.println(); /*for (final ISequence sequence : sequenceCoverage.keySet()) { Set tmp = new HashSet<>(); tmp.add(sequence); if (comparedModel.getTaskInfo(sequence).getMeasureValue(TaskMetric.EVENT_COVERAGE) >= getRecalledActionsOf(tmp)) { continue; } System.out.println(); System.out.println(comparedModel.getTaskInfo(sequence).getMeasureValue(TaskMetric.EVENT_COVERAGE) + " " + getRecalledActionsOf(tmp)); new TaskTreeEncoder().encode(sequence, System.out); final List eventList = new LinkedList<>(); int sessionIndex = 0; for (IUserSession session : comparedModel.getUserSessions()) { sessionIndex++; System.out.println("\ncoverage in session " + sessionIndex + " (" + session.size() + ")"); //new TaskTreeEncoder().encode(session, System.out); final int[] index = new int[1]; index[0] = 0; for (ITaskInstance instance : session) { instance.accept(new DefaultTaskInstanceTraversingVisitor() { @Override public void visit(IEventTaskInstance eventTaskInstance) { eventList.add(eventTaskInstance); } @Override public void visit(ISequenceInstance sequenceInstance) { if (sequenceInstance.getTask() == sequence) { eventList.clear(); } super.visit(sequenceInstance); if (sequenceInstance.getTask() == sequence) { System.out.println("source: " + index[0] + " " + eventList); } } }); index[0]++; } System.out.println("dest session " + comparedWithModel.getUserSessions().get(sessionIndex - 1).size()); eventList.clear(); final boolean[] covered = sequenceCoverage.get(sequence).get(sessionIndex - 1); if (covered == null) { System.out.println("no dest"); continue; } final int[] counter = new int[1]; index[0] = 0; for (ITaskInstance instance : comparedWithModel.getUserSessions().get(sessionIndex - 1)) { instance.accept(new DefaultTaskInstanceTraversingVisitor() { @Override public void visit(IEventTaskInstance eventTaskInstance) { if (covered[counter[0]]) { eventList.add(eventTaskInstance); } else { if (eventList.size() > 0) { System.out.println("dest: " + index[0] + " " + eventList); } eventList.clear(); } counter[0]++; } }); index[0]++; } if (eventList.size() > 0) { System.out.println("dest: " + eventList); } } }*/ } /** * */ private String formatPerc(int part, int of) { return (100 * part / of) + "% (" + part + "/" + of + ")"; } } }