// Module : $RCSfile: NodeIdentityRule.java,v $ // Version : $Revision: 0.0 $ $Author: patrick $ $Date: 19.02.2012 $ // Project : TaskTreeCreator // Creation : 2012 by patrick // Copyright : Patrick Harms, 2012 package de.ugoe.cs.quest.tasktrees.nodeequality; import de.ugoe.cs.quest.tasktrees.treeifc.ISelection; import de.ugoe.cs.quest.tasktrees.treeifc.ITaskTreeNode; /** *

* this node comparison rule is capable of comparing selections. If both selections do not have * children, they are treated as lexically equal. If they have the same number of children other * than 0 and all these children are lexically equal, then the selections are lexically equal. * They are syntactically equal, if each child of both selections is syntactically equal to any * other child. The rule can not compare semantical equality if the nodes are not at least * syntactically equal and returns null, if it can not decide this. *

* * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 19.02.2012$ * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$ */ public class SelectionComparisonRule implements NodeComparisonRule { /** the rule manager for internally comparing task tree nodes */ private NodeEqualityRuleManager mRuleManager; /** *

* simple constructor to provide the rule with the node equality rule manager to be able * to perform comparisons of the children of provided task tree nodes *

* * @param ruleManager the rule manager for comparing task tree nodes */ SelectionComparisonRule(NodeEqualityRuleManager ruleManager) { super(); mRuleManager = ruleManager; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.ugoe.cs.tasktree.nodeequality.NodeEqualityRule#apply(TaskTreeNode, TaskTreeNode) */ @Override public NodeEquality compare(ITaskTreeNode node1, ITaskTreeNode node2) { if ((!(node1 instanceof ISelection)) || (!(node2 instanceof ISelection))) { return null; } // if both sequences do not have children, they are equal although this doesn't make sense if ((node1.getChildren().size() == 0) && (node2.getChildren().size() == 0)) { return NodeEquality.LEXICALLY_EQUAL; } // Selections are syntactically equal, if they have children, which are all syntactically // equal. // They are lexically equals, if they have the same number and order of lexically equal // children boolean lexicallyEqual = node1.getChildren().size() == node2.getChildren().size(); for (int i = 0; i < node1.getChildren().size(); i++) { ITaskTreeNode child1 = node1.getChildren().get(i); boolean foundLexicallyEqualChild = false; for (int j = 0; j < node2.getChildren().size(); j++) { ITaskTreeNode child2 = node2.getChildren().get(j); NodeEquality nodeEquality = mRuleManager.applyRules(child1, child2); if (!nodeEquality.isAtLeast(NodeEquality.SYNTACTICALLY_EQUAL)) { return null; } else if (nodeEquality.isAtLeast(NodeEquality.LEXICALLY_EQUAL)) { foundLexicallyEqualChild = true; } } // if we compare two children at the same position and if they are lexically equal // then it can be further expected, that the selections are lexically equal lexicallyEqual &= foundLexicallyEqualChild; } if (lexicallyEqual) { return NodeEquality.LEXICALLY_EQUAL; } else { return NodeEquality.SYNTACTICALLY_EQUAL; } } }