package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; /** * TODO comment * * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 12.02.2012$ * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$ */ public class TemporalRelationshipRuleManager { /** */ private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TemporalRelationshipRuleManager.class.getName()); /** */ private NodeEqualityRuleManager nodeEqualityRuleManager; /** */ private List ruleIndex = new ArrayList(); /** * TODO: comment * */ public TemporalRelationshipRuleManager(NodeEqualityRuleManager nodeEqualityRuleManager) { super(); this.nodeEqualityRuleManager = nodeEqualityRuleManager; } /** * TODO: comment * */ public void init() {"initializing"); ruleIndex.add(new DefaultMouseClickReductionRule()); ruleIndex.add(new DefaultTextInputReductionRule()); ruleIndex.add(new DefaultEventTargetSequenceDetectionRule()); ruleIndex.add(new TrackBarSelectionDetectionRule(nodeEqualityRuleManager)); ruleIndex.add(new DefaultGuiEventSequenceDetectionRule()); ruleIndex.add(new DefaultIterationDetectionRule(nodeEqualityRuleManager)); } /** * returns true, if there is a rule that matches the current situation and if, therefore, a new * temporal relationship has been added to the tree. * * @param parent * @param newChild * @return */ public void applyRules(ITaskTreeNode parent, ITaskTreeBuilder builder, ITaskTreeNodeFactory nodeFactory, boolean finalize) { applyRules(parent, builder, nodeFactory, finalize, ""); } /** * returns true, if there is a rule that matches the current situation and if, therefore, a new * temporal relationship has been added to the tree. * * @param parent * @param newChild * @return */ private int applyRules(ITaskTreeNode parent, ITaskTreeBuilder builder, ITaskTreeNodeFactory nodeFactory, boolean finalize, String logIndent) { + "applying rules for " + parent); int noOfRuleApplications = 0; for (TemporalRelationshipRule rule : ruleIndex) { RuleApplicationResult result; do { // + "trying to apply rule " + rule + " on " + parent); result = rule.apply(parent, builder, nodeFactory, finalize); if ((result != null) && (result.getRuleApplicationStatus() == RuleApplicationStatus.RULE_APPLICATION_FINISHED)) { + "applied rule " + rule + " on " + parent); noOfRuleApplications++; for (ITaskTreeNode newParent : result.getNewlyCreatedParentNodes()) { noOfRuleApplications += applyRules(newParent, builder, nodeFactory, true, logIndent + " "); } } } while ((result != null) && (result.getRuleApplicationStatus() == RuleApplicationStatus.RULE_APPLICATION_FINISHED)); if ((!finalize) && (result != null) && (result.getRuleApplicationStatus() == RuleApplicationStatus.RULE_APPLICATION_FEASIBLE)) { // in this case, don't go on applying rules, which should not be applied yet break; } } if (noOfRuleApplications <= 0) { LOG.warning(logIndent + "no rules applied --> no temporal relationship generated"); } return noOfRuleApplications; } /** * */ /* * private void dumpTask(TaskTreeNode task, String indent) { System.err.print(indent); * System.err.print(task); System.err.println(" "); * * if ((task.getChildren() != null) && (task.getChildren().size() > 0)) { for (TaskTreeNode * child : task.getChildren()) { dumpTask(child, indent + " "); } } } */ }