Changeset 1167 for trunk/autoquest-core-tasktrees/src
- Timestamp:
- 04/19/13 19:53:04 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/autoquest-core-tasktrees/src/main/java/de/ugoe/cs/autoquest/tasktrees/treeifc
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1146 r1167 19 19 20 20 /** 21 * TODO comment 21 * <p> 22 * Event tasks represent events. They have no children and are therefore the leaf nodes of the 23 * task tree. They provide information about the event they represent. This includes the event 24 * type and the target. 25 * </p> 22 26 * 23 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ 24 * @author 2011, last modified by $Author: $ 27 * @author Patrick Harms 25 28 */ 26 29 public interface IEventTask extends ITask { 27 30 28 31 /** 29 * @return Returns the event type. 32 * <p> 33 * return the type of the event represented by this task 34 * </p> 35 * 36 * @return as described 30 37 */ 31 38 public IEventType getEventType(); 32 39 33 40 /** 34 * @return Returns the event target. 41 * <p> 42 * return the target of the event represented by this task 43 * </p> 44 * 45 * @return as described 35 46 */ 36 47 public IEventTarget getEventTarget(); 37 48 38 49 /** 39 * 50 * <p> 51 * returns a clone of this task, i.e. another event task being identical to this. The event 52 * type and target are not cloned but reused. 53 * </p> 54 * 55 * @return as described 40 56 */ 41 57 public IEventTask clone(); -
r1157 r1167 19 19 /** 20 20 * <p> 21 * TODO comment 21 * A task represents a model for events that occur if the user interacts with a software for 22 * achieving a specific goal. A task can be a single event or a complex structure of events 23 * and temporal relationships defining the event order. Tasks may especially refer to other tasks 24 * to create task structures similar to trees. These structures fully define in which ways the 25 * events that form the task can occur. 22 26 * </p> 23 27 * … … 27 31 28 32 /** 29 * 33 * <p> 34 * every task is assigned a unique id which is returned by this method. The id is unique for 35 * the current runtime. 36 * </p> 37 * 38 * @return as described 30 39 */ 31 40 public int getId(); 32 41 33 42 /** 34 * 43 * <p> 44 * returns a human readable description for task. 45 * </p> 46 * 47 * @return as described 35 48 */ 36 49 public String getDescription(); 37 50 38 51 /** 39 * 52 * <p> 53 * checks whether this task is equal to another one. Task equality is only given, if two 54 * tasks have the same id. This means, that this method must only return true if the other 55 * task is either the same object or a clone of it. 56 * </p> 57 * 58 * @return as described 40 59 */ 41 60 public boolean equals(ITask task); 42 61 43 62 /** 44 * 63 * <p> 64 * returns a hash code for the task, which is usually the id returned by {@link #getId()}. 65 * </p> 66 * 67 * @return as described 45 68 */ 46 69 public int hashCode(); 47 70 48 71 /** 49 * 72 * <p> 73 * returns an exact copy of this task. The clone has the same id. If the task has 74 * children, they are cloned as well. A call on the method {@link #equals(ITask)} with the 75 * result of this method must return true. 76 * </p> 77 * 78 * @return as described 50 79 */ 51 80 public ITask clone(); 52 81 53 82 /** 54 * 83 * <p> 84 * implements the visitor pattern to be able to process tasks and their children. 85 * </p> 86 * 87 * @param visitor the visitor used to process the task 55 88 */ 56 public void accept(ITaskVisitor visitor);89 public void accept(ITaskVisitor visitor); 57 90 58 91 }
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