03/08/12 09:21:51 (13 years ago)
  • JFC pre-processors (commands preprocessDirJFC, preprocessJFC) now generate UTF-8 XML files instead of UTF-16.
  • de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.jfc.JFCLogParser adapted to read UTF-8 XML files instead of UTF-16.
  • parseDirJFC and parseJFC commands now both pre-compute all JFC event target equalities and furthermore compare all loaded events to a dummy event before the precomputation to make sure the events are known by de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.jfc.data.JFCTargetComparator.
5 edited


  • trunk/EventBenchConsole/src/de/ugoe/cs/eventbench/jfc/JFCLogParser.java

    r389 r392  
    222222                        saxParser = spf.newSAXParser(); 
    223223                        inputSource = new InputSource(new InputStreamReader( 
    224                                         new FileInputStream(filename), "UTF-16")); 
     224                                        new FileInputStream(filename), "UTF-8")); 
    225225                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { 
    226226                        e.printStackTrace(); 
  • trunk/EventBenchConsole/src/de/ugoe/cs/eventbench/jfc/commands/CMDparseDirJFC.java

    r389 r392  
    6464                Collection<List<JFCEvent>> sequences = parser.getSequences(); 
    6565                Console.traceln("Pre-computing event target equalities."); 
     66                // compare all Events to a dummy event to make sure they are known by 
     67                // the JFCTargetComparator 
     68                JFCEvent dummyEvent = new JFCEvent("dummy"); 
     69                for (List<JFCEvent> sequence : sequences) { 
     70                        for (JFCEvent event : sequence) { 
     71                                event.equals(dummyEvent); 
     72                        } 
     73                } 
    6674                JFCTargetComparator.setMutable(false); 
  • trunk/EventBenchConsole/src/de/ugoe/cs/eventbench/jfc/commands/CMDparseJFC.java

    r389 r392  
    4444                JFCTargetComparator.setMutable(true); 
    4545                JFCLogParser parser = new JFCLogParser(); 
    4747                parser.parseFile(filename); 
     48                Collection<List<JFCEvent>> sequences = parser.getSequences(); 
    4950                Console.traceln("Pre-computing event target equalities."); 
     51                // compare all Events to a dummy event to make sure they are known by 
     52                // the JFCTargetComparator 
     53                JFCEvent dummyEvent = new JFCEvent("dummy"); 
     54                for (List<JFCEvent> sequence : sequences) { 
     55                        for (JFCEvent event : sequence) { 
     56                                event.equals(dummyEvent); 
     57                        } 
     58                } 
    5059                JFCTargetComparator.setMutable(false); 
    52                 Collection<List<JFCEvent>> sequences = parser.getSequences(); 
    5461                if (GlobalDataContainer.getInstance().addData(sequencesName, sequences)) { 
  • trunk/EventBenchConsole/src/de/ugoe/cs/eventbench/jfc/commands/CMDpreprocessDirJFC.java

    r384 r392  
    1818 * <p> 
    19  * Command to pre-process files written by EventBench's JFCMonitor located in a directory. The only task 
    20  * of the pre-processing is checking if the session was closed properly, i.e., 
    21  * if the XML file ends with a {@code </sessions>} tag. If this is not the case, 
    22  * the tag will be appended to the file. 
     19 * Command to pre-process files written by EventBench's JFCMonitor located in a 
     20 * directory. The only task of the pre-processing is checking if the session was 
     21 * closed properly, i.e., if the XML file ends with a {@code </sessions>} tag. 
     22 * If this is not the case, the tag will be appended to the file. 
    2323 * </p> 
    2424 *  
    5050                String absolutPathSource = sourceFolder.getAbsolutePath(); 
    5151                File targetFolder = new File(targetPath); 
    52                 if( !targetFolder.isDirectory()) { 
     52                if (!targetFolder.isDirectory()) { 
    5353                        Console.printerrln(targetPath + " is not a directory"); 
    5454                } 
    5555                String absolutPathTarget = targetFolder.getAbsolutePath(); 
    57                 for(String filename : sourceFolder.list()) { 
     57                for (String filename : sourceFolder.list()) { 
    5858                        String source = absolutPathSource + "/" + filename; 
    5959                        Console.traceln("Preprocessing file: " + source); 
    7878                                return; 
    7979                        } 
    8181                        String content = new String(buffer).trim(); 
    8383                        int index = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); 
    84                         String target = absolutPathTarget + "/" + filename.substring(0, index) + ".xml";  
     84                        String target = absolutPathTarget + "/" 
     85                                        + filename.substring(0, index) + ".xml"; 
    8687                        Console.traceln("   Saving as: " + target); 
    8889                        OutputStreamWriter writer; 
    8990                        try { 
    9091                                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(target); 
    91                                 writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-16"); 
     92                                writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); 
    9293                        } catch (IOException e) { 
    9394                                Console.printerrln(e.getMessage()); 
  • trunk/EventBenchConsole/src/de/ugoe/cs/eventbench/jfc/commands/CMDpreprocessJFC.java

    r309 r392  
    1818 * <p> 
    19  * Command to pre-process files written by EventBench's JFCMonitor. The only task 
    20  * of the pre-processing is checking if the session was closed properly, i.e., 
    21  * if the XML file ends with a {@code </sessions>} tag. If this is not the case, 
    22  * the tag will be appended to the file. 
     19 * Command to pre-process files written by EventBench's JFCMonitor. The only 
     20 * task of the pre-processing is checking if the session was closed properly, 
     21 * i.e., if the XML file ends with a {@code </sessions>} tag. If this is not the 
     22 * case, the tag will be appended to the file. 
    2323 * </p> 
    2424 *  
    7070                try { 
    7171                        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(target); 
    72                         writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-16"); 
     72                        writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); 
    7373                } catch (IOException e) { 
    7474                        Console.printerrln(e.getMessage()); 
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