Changeset 835 for trunk/quest-plugin-jfc/src/main/java/de/ugoe/cs
- Timestamp:
- 09/20/12 10:36:09 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/quest-plugin-jfc/src/main/java/de/ugoe/cs/quest/plugin/jfc
- Files:
- 25 edited
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r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 6 7 7 8 /** 8 * TODO comment 9 * <p> 10 * Enumeration to deal with JFC event ids. 11 * </p> 9 12 * 10 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $11 * @author 2011, last modified by $Author: $13 * @version 1.0 14 * @author Patrick Harms 12 15 */ 13 16 public enum JFCEventId { 14 15 MOUSE_CLICKED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED),16 MOUSE_PRESSED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED),17 MOUSE_RELEASED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED),18 MOUSE_MOVED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED),19 MOUSE_ENTERED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED),20 MOUSE_EXITED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED),21 MOUSE_DRAGGED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED),22 MOUSE_WHEEL(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL),23 FOCUS_GAINED(FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED),24 FOCUS_LOST(FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST),25 KEY_TYPED(KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED),26 KEY_PRESSED(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED),27 KEY_RELEASED(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED);28 17 29 /** the numerical representation of the event type */ 18 MOUSE_CLICKED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED), MOUSE_PRESSED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED), 19 MOUSE_RELEASED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED), MOUSE_MOVED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED), MOUSE_ENTERED( 20 MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED), MOUSE_EXITED(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED), MOUSE_DRAGGED( 21 MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED), MOUSE_WHEEL(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL), FOCUS_GAINED( 22 FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED), FOCUS_LOST(FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST), KEY_TYPED(KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED), 23 KEY_PRESSED(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED), KEY_RELEASED(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED); 24 25 /** 26 * <p> 27 * Numerical representation of the event type. 28 * </p> 29 */ 30 30 private int mNumber; 31 31 32 32 /** 33 * <p> 34 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCEventId. 35 * </p> 36 * 33 37 * @param number 38 * numerical representation of the event type. 34 39 */ 35 40 JFCEventId(int number) { … … 38 43 39 44 /** 40 * @return Returns the number. 45 * <p> 46 * Returns the numerical representation of the event type. 47 * </p> 48 * 49 * @return the numerical representation 41 50 */ 42 51 public int getNumber() { … … 45 54 46 55 /** 47 * 56 * <p> 57 * Parses an {@link String} and returns the respective JFCEventId if possible. 58 * </p> 59 * 60 * @param numberString 61 * String representation of the event type 62 * @return created JFCEventId 63 * @throws IllegalArgumentException 64 * thrown if there is no JFCEventId that correlates to numberString 48 65 */ 49 public static JFCEventId parseEventId(String numberString) {66 public static JFCEventId parseEventId(String numberString) throws IllegalArgumentException { 50 67 try { 51 68 int number = Integer.parseInt(numberString); … … 58 75 59 76 /** 60 * 77 * <p> 78 * Returns the JFCEventId associated with an integer. 79 * </p> 80 * 81 * @param number 82 * integer to which the according JFCEventId is returned 83 * @return the JFCEventId 84 * @throws IllegalArgumentException 85 * thrown if there is no JFCEventId that correlates to number 61 86 */ 62 public static JFCEventId valueOf(int number) {87 public static JFCEventId valueOf(int number) throws IllegalArgumentException { 63 88 for (JFCEventId type : JFCEventId.values()) { 64 89 if (type.mNumber == number) { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents buttons in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCButton extends JFCGUIElement implements IButton { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCButton. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCButton(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents canvas' in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCCanvas extends JFCGUIElement implements ICanvas { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCCanvas. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCCanvas(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r742 r835 4 4 // Creation : 2012 by pharms 5 5 // Copyright : Patrick Harms, 2012 6 6 7 package; 7 8 … … 10 11 /** 11 12 * <p> 12 * TODO comment13 * Class that represents check boxes in JFC GUIs. 13 14 * </p> 14 15 * 15 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 03.09.2012$16 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: pharms$16 * @version 1.0 17 * @author Patrick Harms 17 18 */ 18 19 public class JFCCheckBox extends JFCGUIElement implements ICheckBox { 19 20 20 /** */ 21 /** 22 * <p> 23 * Id for object serialization. 24 * </p> 25 */ 21 26 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 22 27 23 28 /** 24 29 * <p> 25 * TODO: comment30 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCCheckBox. 26 31 * </p> 27 * 32 * 28 33 * @param specification 34 * specification of created GUI element 29 35 * @param parent 36 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 37 * window 30 38 */ 31 39 public JFCCheckBox(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 33 41 } 34 42 43 /* 44 * (non-Javadoc) 45 * 46 * @see 47 */ 35 48 @Override 36 49 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents combo boxes in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCComboBox extends JFCGUIElement implements IComboBox { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCComboBox. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCComboBox(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents dialogs in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCDialog extends JFCGUIElement implements IFrame { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCDialog. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCDialog(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents frames in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCFrame extends JFCGUIElement implements IFrame { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCFrame. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCFrame(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r778 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 5 6 6 7 /** 7 * TODO comment 8 * <p> 9 * Base class for all JFC GUI elements. 10 * </p> 8 11 * 9 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $10 * @author 2011, last modified by $Author: $12 * @version 1.0 13 * @author Patrick Harms 11 14 */ 12 15 public class JFCGUIElement extends AbstractDefaultGUIElement { 13 16 14 17 /** 15 18 * <p> … … 19 22 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 20 23 21 /** the specification of the GUI Element */ 24 /** 25 * <p> 26 * Specification of the GUI Element 27 * </p> 28 */ 22 29 private JFCGUIElementSpec specification; 23 30 24 31 /** 25 * @param name 26 * @param id 27 * @param isModal 32 * <p> 33 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCGUIElement. 34 * </p> 35 * 36 * @param specification 37 * specification of created GUI element 38 * @param parent 39 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 40 * window 28 41 */ 29 42 public JFCGUIElement(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 32 45 } 33 46 34 /* (non-Javadoc) 47 /* 48 * (non-Javadoc) 49 * 35 50 * @see 36 51 */ … … 41 56 42 57 /** 43 * TODO: comment 58 * <p> 59 * Returns the type of the GUI element, i.e., the name of its Java class. 60 * </p> 44 61 * 45 * @return 62 * @return the Java class name 46 63 */ 47 64 public String getJavaType() { … … 50 67 51 68 /** 52 * @return Returns the name. 69 * <p> 70 * Returns the name of the GUI element. 71 * </p> 72 * 73 * @return the name 53 74 */ 54 75 String getName() { … … 57 78 58 79 /** 80 * <p> 81 * Returns the icon of the GUI element. 82 * </p> 83 * 59 84 * @return the icon 60 85 */ … … 64 89 65 90 /** 91 * <p> 92 * Returns the index of the GUI element. 93 * </p> 94 * 66 95 * @return the index 67 96 */ … … 71 100 72 101 /** 73 * @return the hashCode 102 * <p> 103 * Returns the object hash of the GUI element. 104 * </p> 105 * 106 * @return the object hash 74 107 */ 75 108 int getElementHash() { … … 77 110 } 78 111 79 /** 80 * <p> 81 * TODO comment 82 * </p> 112 /* 113 * (non-Javadoc) 114 * 115 * @see 116 * 117 * .guimodel.IGUIElementSpec) 83 118 */ 84 119 @Override … … 88 123 } 89 124 } 90 125 91 126 /* 92 127 * (non-Javadoc) … … 97 132 public String getStringIdentifier() { 98 133 String str = this.toString(); 99 if ( getParent()!=null) {134 if (getParent() != null) { 100 135 return getParent().getStringIdentifier() + "->" + str; 101 136 } 102 137 return str; 103 138 } 104 139 105 140 /* 106 141 * (non-Javadoc) … … 110 145 @Override 111 146 public String toString() { 112 String str = getElementDescriptor() + "(" + getName() + "," + getElementHash() + "," + 113 getIcon() + "," + getIndex() +")"; 147 String str = 148 getElementDescriptor() + "(" + getName() + "," + getElementHash() + "," + getIcon() + 149 "," + getIndex() + ")"; 114 150 return str; 115 151 } 116 152 153 /** 154 * <p> 155 * A short string describing the GUI element, e.g., Button, Canvas, or ScrollBar. 156 * </p> 157 * 158 * @return short element descriptor 159 */ 117 160 protected String getElementDescriptor() { 118 161 return "Default"; -
r832 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 6 7 import org.apache.commons.collections15.CollectionUtils; 7 8 9 import; 8 10 import; 9 11 10 12 /** 11 13 * <p> 12 * TODO comment14 * Implements the specification of {@link IGUIElement} for {@link JFCGUIElement}s. 13 15 * </p> 14 16 * 15 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 17.08.2012$16 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: pharms$17 * @version 1.0 18 * @author Patrick Harms 17 19 */ 18 20 public class JFCGUIElementSpec implements IGUIElementSpec { 19 21 20 /** */ 22 /** 23 * <p> 24 * Id for object serialization. 25 * </p> 26 */ 21 27 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 22 28 23 29 /** 24 30 * <p> 25 * current name of the GUI element31 * Current name of the GUI element 26 32 * </p> 27 33 */ … … 30 36 /** 31 37 * <p> 32 * previous names of the GUI element as it may have changed over time.38 * Previous names of the GUI element as it may have changed over time. 33 39 * </p> 34 40 */ 35 41 private List<String> formerNames = new ArrayList<String>(); 36 42 37 /** */ 43 /** 44 * <p> 45 * Type of the GUI element, i.e., its Java class. 46 * </p> 47 */ 38 48 private String type = null; 39 40 /** */ 49 50 /** 51 * <p> 52 * Icon associated with the GUI element. 53 * </p> 54 */ 41 55 private String icon = null; 42 43 /** */ 56 57 /** 58 * <p> 59 * Index of the GUI element in its parent element. 60 * </p> 61 */ 44 62 private int index = -1; 45 46 /** 47 * <p> 48 * hash code of the window element. Used as unique identifier during its existence.63 64 /** 65 * <p> 66 * Hash code of the window element. Used as unique identifier during its existence. 49 67 * </p> 50 68 */ … … 53 71 /** 54 72 * <p> 55 * previous handles of the window as the window may have been destroyed and recreated73 * Previous hashes of the window as the window may have been destroyed and recreated. 56 74 * </p> 57 75 */ 58 76 private List<Integer> formerElementHashes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 59 77 60 /* (non-Javadoc) 61 * @see 78 /* 79 * (non-Javadoc) 80 * 81 * @see 82 * 83 * ) 62 84 */ 63 85 @Override 64 86 public boolean getSimilarity(IGUIElementSpec other) { 65 if (this == other) 66 { 67 return true; 68 } 69 70 if (!(other instanceof JFCGUIElementSpec)) 71 { 87 if (this == other) { 88 return true; 89 } 90 91 if (!(other instanceof JFCGUIElementSpec)) { 72 92 return false; 73 93 } 74 94 75 95 JFCGUIElementSpec otherSpec = (JFCGUIElementSpec) other; 76 96 77 97 if ((type != otherSpec.type) && ((type != null) && (!type.equals(otherSpec.type)))) { 78 98 return false; … … 89 109 // a new element is added or another one is removed. If the element hash or the name stay 90 110 // the same, then similarity is given. Therefore these are the first two comparisons 91 111 92 112 if (elementHash == otherSpec.elementHash) { 93 113 return true; 94 114 } 95 115 96 116 if ((name != null) && (name.equals( { 97 117 return true; 98 118 } 99 100 if ((((name == null) && ( == null)) || 101 (("".equals(name)) && ("".equals( && 102 (formerNames.size() == 0) && (otherSpec.formerNames.size() == 0)) 119 120 if ((((name == null) && ( == null)) || (("".equals(name)) && ("" 121 .equals( && 122 (formerNames.size() == 0) && 123 (otherSpec.formerNames.size() == 0)) 103 124 { 104 125 return true; 105 126 } 106 127 107 128 // if the id and the name did not stay the same, then the name should be checked first. 108 129 // One of all known names of one of the specs must be equal to one of the known names of the … … 117 138 return index == otherSpec.index; 118 139 } 119 140 120 141 if (CollectionUtils.containsAny(formerNames, otherSpec.formerNames)) { 121 142 return index == otherSpec.index; 122 143 } 123 144 124 145 // ok. Even the names do not match. This is usually a clear indication, that the elements 125 146 // are distinct. However, we check, if the former ids matched. This is very unlikely … … 135 156 return index == otherSpec.index; 136 157 } 137 158 138 159 if (CollectionUtils.containsAny(formerElementHashes, otherSpec.formerElementHashes)) { 139 160 return index == otherSpec.index; 140 161 } 141 162 142 163 // now we can be really sure, that the GUI elements differ 143 164 144 165 return false; 145 166 } 146 167 147 /* (non-Javadoc) 168 /* 169 * (non-Javadoc) 170 * 148 171 * @see 149 172 */ 150 173 @Override 151 174 public boolean equals(Object other) { 152 if (this == other) 153 { 154 return true; 155 } 156 157 if (!(other instanceof JFCGUIElementSpec)) 158 { 175 if (this == other) { 176 return true; 177 } 178 179 if (!(other instanceof JFCGUIElementSpec)) { 159 180 return false; 160 181 } 161 182 162 183 JFCGUIElementSpec otherSpec = (JFCGUIElementSpec) other; 163 164 return 165 ((name == || ((name != null) && (name.equals( && 184 185 return ((name == || ((name != null) && (name.equals( && 166 186 ((type == otherSpec.type) || ((type != null) && (type.equals(otherSpec.type)))) && 167 187 ((icon == otherSpec.icon) || ((icon != null) && (icon.equals(otherSpec.icon)))) && … … 169 189 } 170 190 171 /* (non-Javadoc) 191 /* 192 * (non-Javadoc) 193 * 172 194 * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() 173 195 */ … … 178 200 179 201 /** 202 * <p> 203 * Returns the name of the specified GUI element. 204 * </p> 205 * 180 206 * @return the name 181 207 */ 182 208 public String getName() { 183 209 StringBuffer names = new StringBuffer(); 184 210 185 211 if (name != null) { 186 212 names.append('"'); … … 191 217 names.append("NOT_SET"); 192 218 } 193 219 194 220 if (formerNames.size() > 0) { 195 221 196 222 names.append(" (aka "); 197 223 198 224 for (int i = 0; i < formerNames.size(); i++) { 199 225 if (i > 0) { … … 205 231 names.append('"'); 206 232 } 207 233 208 234 names.append(")"); 209 235 } 210 236 211 237 return names.toString(); 212 238 } 213 239 214 240 /** 241 * <p> 242 * Returns the title of the specified GUI element. 243 * </p> 244 * 215 245 * @return the title 216 246 */ … … 220 250 221 251 /** 252 * <p> 253 * Returns the icon associated with the specified GUI element. 254 * </p> 255 * 222 256 * @return the icon 223 257 */ … … 227 261 228 262 /** 263 * <p> 264 * Returns the index of the specified GUI element in its parent element. 265 * </p> 266 * 229 267 * @return the index 230 268 */ … … 234 272 235 273 /** 274 * <p> 275 * Returns the object hash of the specified GUI element. 276 * </p> 277 * 236 278 * @return the elementHash 237 279 */ … … 241 283 242 284 /** 243 * @param name the name to set 285 * <p> 286 * Sets the name of the specified GUI element. 287 * </p> 288 * 289 * @param name 290 * the name 244 291 */ 245 292 public void setName(String newName) { 246 if (( != null) && 247 (! && 293 if (( != null) && (! && 248 294 (!this.formerNames.contains( 249 295 { 250 296 this.formerNames.add(; 251 297 } 252 298 253 299 = newName; 254 300 } 255 301 256 302 /** 257 * @param title the title to set 303 * <p> 304 * Sets the type of the specified GUI element. 305 * </p> 306 * 307 * @param title 308 * the title 258 309 */ 259 310 public void setType(String type) { … … 262 313 263 314 /** 264 * @param icon the icon to set 315 * <p> 316 * Sets the icon associated with the specified GUI element. 317 * </p> 318 * 319 * @param icon 320 * the icon 265 321 */ 266 322 public void setIcon(String icon) { … … 269 325 270 326 /** 271 * @param index the index to set 327 * <p> 328 * Sets the index in its parent element of the specified GUI element. 329 * </p> 330 * 331 * @param index 332 * the index 272 333 */ 273 334 public void setIndex(int index) { … … 276 337 277 338 /** 278 * @param elementHash the elementHash to set 339 * <p> 340 * Sets the object hash of the specified GUI element. 341 * </p> 342 * 343 * @param elementHash 344 * the elementHash 279 345 */ 280 346 public void setElementHash(int newElementHash) { 281 if ((this.elementHash > -1) && 282 !this.formerElementHashes.contains(this.elementHash)) 283 { 347 if ((this.elementHash > -1) && !this.formerElementHashes.contains(this.elementHash)) { 284 348 this.formerElementHashes.add(this.elementHash); 285 349 } 286 350 287 351 this.elementHash = newElementHash; 288 352 } 289 290 /** 291 * <p> 292 * TODO: comment293 * </p> 294 * 353 354 /** 355 * <p> 356 * Updates the specification with another specification. 357 * </p> 358 * 295 359 * @param furtherSpec 360 * specification used to update the current specification 296 361 */ 297 362 void update(JFCGUIElementSpec other) { … … 309 374 } 310 375 311 if ((name != && (name != null) && (!name.equals( 312 { 376 if ((name != && (name != null) && (!name.equals( { 313 377 setName(; 314 378 } … … 316 380 } 317 381 382 /* 383 * (non-Javadoc) 384 * 385 * @see java.lang.Object#toString() 386 */ 318 387 public String toString() { 319 return "[" + getName() + ";\"" + type + "\";\"" + icon + "\";" + index + ";" + 320 elementHash +"]";388 return "[" + getName() + ";\"" + type + "\";\"" + icon + "\";" + index + ";" + elementHash + 389 "]"; 321 390 } 322 391 -
r742 r835 4 4 // Creation : 2012 by pharms 5 5 // Copyright : Patrick Harms, 2012 6 6 7 package; 7 8 … … 10 11 /** 11 12 * <p> 12 * TODO comment13 * Class that represents list boxes in JFC GUIs. 13 14 * </p> 14 15 * 15 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 03.09.2012$16 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: pharms$16 * @version 1.0 17 * @author Patrick Harms 17 18 */ 18 19 public class JFCListBox extends JFCGUIElement implements IListBox { 19 20 20 /** */ 21 /** 22 * <p> 23 * Id for object serialization. 24 * </p> 25 */ 21 26 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 22 27 23 28 /** 24 29 * <p> 25 * TODO: comment30 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCListBox. 26 31 * </p> 27 * 32 * 28 33 * @param specification 34 * specification of created GUI element 29 35 * @param parent 36 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 37 * window 30 38 */ 31 39 public JFCListBox(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 33 41 } 34 42 43 /* 44 * (non-Javadoc) 45 * 46 * @see 47 */ 35 48 @Override 36 49 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents menus in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCMenu extends JFCGUIElement implements IMenu { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCMenu. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCMenu(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that menu bar buttons in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCMenuBar extends JFCMenu implements IMenuBar { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCMenuBar. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCMenuBar(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents menu buttons in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCMenuButton extends JFCButton implements IMenuButton { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCMenuButton. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCMenuButton(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents panels in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCPanel extends JFCGUIElement implements IPanel { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCPanel. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCPanel(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r742 r835 4 4 // Creation : 2012 by pharms 5 5 // Copyright : Patrick Harms, 2012 6 6 7 package; 7 8 … … 10 11 /** 11 12 * <p> 12 * TODO comment13 * Class that represents radio buttons in JFC GUIs. 13 14 * </p> 14 15 * 15 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 03.09.2012$16 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: pharms$16 * @version 1.0 17 * @author Patrick Harms 17 18 */ 18 19 public class JFCRadioButton extends JFCGUIElement implements IRadioButton { 19 20 20 /** */ 21 /** 22 * <p> 23 * Id for object serialization. 24 * </p> 25 */ 21 26 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 22 27 23 28 /** 24 29 * <p> 25 * TODO: comment30 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCRadioButton. 26 31 * </p> 27 * 32 * 28 33 * @param specification 34 * specification of created GUI element 29 35 * @param parent 36 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 37 * window 30 38 */ 31 39 public JFCRadioButton(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 33 41 } 34 42 43 /* 44 * (non-Javadoc) 45 * 46 * @see 47 */ 35 48 @Override 36 49 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents scroll bars in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCScrollBar extends JFCGUIElement implements IScrollBar { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCScrollBar. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCScrollBar(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents scroll panes in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCScrollPane extends JFCGUIElement implements IScrollPane { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCScrollPane. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCScrollPane(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents shapes in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCShape extends JFCGUIElement implements IShape { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCShape. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCShape(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents split panes in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCSplitPane extends JFCGUIElement implements ISplitPane { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCSplitPane. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCSplitPane(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents tabbed panes in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCTabbedPane extends JFCGUIElement implements ITabbedPane { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCTabbedPane. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCTabbedPane(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r742 r835 4 4 // Creation : 2012 by pharms 5 5 // Copyright : Patrick Harms, 2012 6 6 7 package; 7 8 … … 10 11 /** 11 12 * <p> 12 * TODO comment13 * Class that represents tables in JFC GUIs. 13 14 * </p> 14 15 * 15 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 03.09.2012$16 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: pharms$16 * @version 1.0 17 * @author Patrick Harms 17 18 */ 18 19 public class JFCTable extends JFCGUIElement implements ITable { 19 20 20 /** */ 21 /** 22 * <p> 23 * Id for object serialization. 24 * </p> 25 */ 21 26 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 22 27 23 28 /** 24 29 * <p> 25 * TODO: comment30 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCTable. 26 31 * </p> 27 * 32 * 28 33 * @param specification 34 * specification of created GUI element 29 35 * @param parent 36 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 37 * window 30 38 */ 31 39 public JFCTable(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 33 41 } 34 42 43 /* 44 * (non-Javadoc) 45 * 46 * @see 47 */ 35 48 @Override 36 49 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r742 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents text areas in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCTextArea extends JFCGUIElement implements ITextField { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCTextArea. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCTextArea(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents text fields in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCTextField extends JFCGUIElement implements ITextField { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCTextField. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCTextField(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r655 r835 1 1 2 package; 2 3 … … 4 5 5 6 /** 6 * TODO comment 7 * <p> 8 * Class that represents toolbars in JFC GUIs. 9 * </p> 7 10 * 8 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 13.05.2012$9 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: patrick$11 * @version 1.0 12 * @author Patrick Harms 10 13 */ 11 14 public class JFCToolBar extends JFCGUIElement implements IToolBar { 12 15 13 /** */ 16 /** 17 * <p> 18 * Id for object serialization. 19 * </p> 20 */ 14 21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 15 22 16 23 /** 17 * TODO: comment 24 * <p> 25 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCToolBar. 26 * </p> 18 27 * 19 * @param name20 * @param type21 * @param icon22 * @param index23 * @param hashCode28 * @param specification 29 * specification of created GUI element 30 * @param parent 31 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 32 * window 24 33 */ 25 34 public JFCToolBar(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { … … 27 36 } 28 37 38 /* 39 * (non-Javadoc) 40 * 41 * @see 42 */ 29 43 @Override 30 44 protected String getElementDescriptor() { -
r742 r835 4 4 // Creation : 2012 by pharms 5 5 // Copyright : Patrick Harms, 2012 6 6 7 package; 7 8 … … 10 11 /** 11 12 * <p> 12 * TODO comment13 * Class that represents trees in JFC GUIs. 13 14 * </p> 14 15 * 15 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 03.09.2012$16 * @author 2012, last modified by $Author: pharms$16 * @version 1.0 17 * @author Patrick Harms 17 18 */ 18 19 public class JFCTree extends JFCGUIElement implements ITree { 19 20 20 /** */ 21 /** 22 * <p> 23 * Id for object serialization. 24 * </p> 25 */ 21 26 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 22 27 23 28 /** 24 29 * <p> 25 * TODO: comment30 * Constructor. Creates a new JFCTree. 26 31 * </p> 27 * 32 * 28 33 * @param specification 34 * specification of created GUI element 29 35 * @param parent 36 * parent of the created GUI element; null means that the element is a top-level 37 * window 30 38 */ 31 39 public JFCTree(JFCGUIElementSpec specification, JFCGUIElement parent) { 32 40 super(specification, parent); 33 // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub34 41 } 35 42 43 /* 44 * (non-Javadoc) 45 * 46 * @see 47 */ 36 48 @Override 37 49 protected String getElementDescriptor() {
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