package de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.models; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import junitx.framework.ListAssert; import org.junit.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * The class TrieTest contains tests for the class {@link Trie}. * * @author Steffen Herbold * @version 1.0 */ public class TrieTest { List sequence; Collection symbols; private static void assertCollectionContent(Collection c1, Collection c2) { assertEquals(c1.size(), c2.size()); for( Object obj : c1 ) { assertTrue(c2.contains(obj)); } } @Test public void testTrie_1() throws Exception { Trie result = new Trie(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(0, result.getNumLeafs()); assertEquals(0, result.getNumSymbols()); assertEquals(0, result.getNumLeafAncestors()); assertTrue(result.getKnownSymbols().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testAdd_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); List seq = new ArrayList(); seq.add("a"); seq.add("b"); fixture.add(seq); assertEquals(1, fixture.getChild("a").getCount()); assertEquals(1, fixture.getChild("a").getChild("b").getCount()); assertNull(fixture.getChild("b")); } @Test public void testAdd_2() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.add(new ArrayList()); assertEquals(0, fixture.getNumSymbols()); } @Test public void testAdd_3() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.add(null); assertEquals(0, fixture.getNumSymbols()); } @Test public void testFind_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List findSequence = new ArrayList(); findSequence.add("a"); findSequence.add("b"); findSequence.add("r"); TrieNode expected = fixture.getChild("a").getChild("b").getChild("r"); TrieNode result = fixture.find(findSequence); assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testFind_2() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List findSequence = new ArrayList(); findSequence.add("c"); findSequence.add("a"); TrieNode expected = fixture.getChild("c").getChild("a"); TrieNode result = fixture.find(findSequence); assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testFind_3() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List findSequence = new ArrayList(); TrieNode result = fixture.find(findSequence); assertTrue(result.isRoot()); } @Test public void testFind_4() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); TrieNode result = fixture.find(null); assertTrue(result.isRoot()); } @Test public void testGetChildCreate_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); String symbol = "a"; TrieNode result = fixture.getChildCreate(symbol); assertEquals(symbol, result.getSymbol()); assertEquals(0, result.getCount()); assertTrue(result.isLeaf()); } @Test( public void testGetChildCreate_2() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.getChildCreate(null); } @Test public void testGetContextSuffix_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List context = new ArrayList(); context.add("a"); context.add("a"); context.add("b"); List expected = new ArrayList(); expected.add("a"); expected.add("b"); List result = fixture.getContextSuffix(context); ListAssert.assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testGetContextSuffix_2() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List context = new ArrayList(); context.add("a"); context.add("a"); context.add("b"); context.add("r"); List expected = new ArrayList(); expected.add("b"); expected.add("r"); List result = fixture.getContextSuffix(context); ListAssert.assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testGetContextSuffix_3() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List context = new ArrayList(); context.add("a"); context.add("a"); context.add("b"); context.add("x"); List expected = new ArrayList(); List result = fixture.getContextSuffix(context); ListAssert.assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testGetContextSuffix_4() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); List result = fixture.getContextSuffix(null); // add additional test code here assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(0, result.size()); } @Test public void testGetContextSuffix_5() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List context = new ArrayList(); context.add("a"); context.add("a"); context.add("b"); List expected = new ArrayList(); expected.add("a"); expected.add("b"); List result = fixture.getContextSuffix(context); ListAssert.assertEquals(expected, result); } @Test public void testGetCount_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); subSequence.add("a"); int result = fixture.getCount(subSequence); assertEquals(5, result); } @Test public void testGetCount_2() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); subSequence.add("a"); subSequence.add("b"); int result = fixture.getCount(subSequence); assertEquals(2, result); } @Test public void testGetCount_3() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); subSequence.add("x"); int result = fixture.getCount(subSequence); assertEquals(0, result); } @Test public void testGetCount_4() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); int result = fixture.getCount(subSequence, "a"); assertEquals(5, result); } @Test public void testGetCount_5() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); subSequence.add("a"); subSequence.add("b"); int result = fixture.getCount(subSequence, "r"); assertEquals(2, result); } @Test public void testGetCount_6() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); int result = fixture.getCount(subSequence, "x"); assertEquals(0, result); } @Test public void testGetFollowingSymbols_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); subSequence.add("a"); Collection expected = new ArrayList(); expected.add("b"); expected.add("c"); expected.add("d"); Collection result = fixture.getFollowingSymbols(subSequence); assertCollectionContent(expected, result); } @Test public void testGetFollowingSymbols_2() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); subSequence.add("a"); subSequence.add("b"); subSequence.add("r"); Collection result = fixture.getFollowingSymbols(subSequence); assertEquals(0, result.size()); } @Test public void testGetFollowingSymbols_3() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); List subSequence = new ArrayList(); subSequence.add("x"); Collection result = fixture.getFollowingSymbols(subSequence); assertEquals(0, result.size()); } @Test public void testGetNumLeafAncestors_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); int result = fixture.getNumLeafAncestors(); assertEquals(7, result); } @Test public void testGetNumLeafs_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); int result = fixture.getNumLeafs(); assertEquals(7, result); } @Test public void testGetNumSymbols_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); fixture.train(sequence, 3); int result = fixture.getNumSymbols(); assertEquals(5, result); } @Test public void testTrain_1() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); int maxOrder = 3; fixture.train(sequence, maxOrder); // check if symbols are correct assertCollectionContent(symbols, fixture.getKnownSymbols()); // check if counters are correct and only the correct nodes exist TrieNode root = fixture.find(new ArrayList()); TrieNode root_a = root.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_a_a = root_a.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_a_b = root_a.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_a_b_a = root_a_b.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_a_b_b = root_a_b.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_a_b_c = root_a_b.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_a_b_d = root_a_b.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_a_b_r = root_a_b.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_a_c = root_a.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_a_c_a = root_a_c.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_a_c_b = root_a_c.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_a_c_c = root_a_c.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_a_c_d = root_a_c.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_a_c_r = root_a_c.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_a_d = root_a.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_a_d_a = root_a_d.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_a_d_b = root_a_d.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_a_d_c = root_a_d.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_a_d_d = root_a_d.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_a_d_r = root_a_d.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_a_r = root_a.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_b = root.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_b_a = root_b.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_b_b = root_b.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_b_c = root_b.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_b_d = root_b.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_b_r = root_b.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_b_r_a = root_b_r.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_b_r_b = root_b_r.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_b_r_c = root_b_r.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_b_r_d = root_b_r.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_b_r_r = root_b_r.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_c = root.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_c_a = root_c.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_c_a_a = root_c_a.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_c_a_b = root_c_a.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_c_a_c = root_c_a.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_c_a_d = root_c_a.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_c_a_r = root_c_a.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_c_b = root_c.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_c_c = root_c.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_c_d = root_c.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_c_r = root_c.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_d = root.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_d_a = root_d.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_d_a_a = root_d_a.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_d_a_b = root_d_a.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_d_a_c = root_d_a.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_d_a_d = root_d_a.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_d_a_r = root_d_a.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_d_b = root_d.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_d_c = root_d.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_d_d = root_d.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_d_r = root_d.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_r = root.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_r_a = root_r.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_r_a_a = root_r_a.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_r_a_b = root_r_a.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_r_a_c = root_r_a.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_r_a_d = root_r_a.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_r_a_r = root_r_a.getChild("r"); TrieNode root_r_b = root_r.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_r_c = root_r.getChild("c"); TrieNode root_r_d = root_r.getChild("d"); TrieNode root_r_r = root_r.getChild("r"); assertEquals(5, root_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_a_a); assertEquals(2, root_a_b.getCount()); assertNull(root_a_b_a); assertNull(root_a_b_b); assertNull(root_a_b_c); assertNull(root_a_b_d); assertEquals(2, root_a_b_r.getCount()); assertEquals(1, root_a_c.getCount()); assertEquals(1, root_a_c_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_a_c_b); assertNull(root_a_c_c); assertNull(root_a_c_d); assertNull(root_a_c_r); assertEquals(1, root_a_d.getCount()); assertEquals(1, root_a_d_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_a_d_b); assertNull(root_a_d_c); assertNull(root_a_d_d); assertNull(root_a_d_r); assertNull(root_a_r); assertEquals(2, root_b.getCount()); assertNull(root_b_a); assertNull(root_b_b); assertNull(root_b_c); assertNull(root_b_d); assertEquals(2, root_b_r.getCount()); assertEquals(2, root_b_r_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_b_r_b); assertNull(root_b_r_c); assertNull(root_b_r_d); assertNull(root_b_r_r); assertEquals(1, root_c.getCount()); assertEquals(1, root_c_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_c_a_a); assertNull(root_c_a_b); assertNull(root_c_a_c); assertEquals(1, root_c_a_d.getCount()); assertNull(root_c_a_r); assertNull(root_c_b); assertNull(root_c_c); assertNull(root_c_d); assertNull(root_c_r); assertEquals(1, root_d.getCount()); assertEquals(1, root_d_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_d_a_a); assertEquals(1, root_d_a_b.getCount()); assertNull(root_d_a_c); assertNull(root_d_a_d); assertNull(root_d_a_r); assertNull(root_d_b); assertNull(root_d_c); assertNull(root_d_d); assertNull(root_d_r); assertEquals(2, root_r.getCount()); assertEquals(2, root_r_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_r_a_a); assertNull(root_r_a_b); assertEquals(1, root_r_a_c.getCount()); assertNull(root_r_a_d); assertNull(root_r_a_r); assertNull(root_r_b); assertNull(root_r_c); assertNull(root_r_d); assertNull(root_r_r); // check if leafs are really leafs assertTrue(root_a_b_r.isLeaf()); assertTrue(root_a_c_a.isLeaf()); assertTrue(root_a_d_a.isLeaf()); assertTrue(root_b_r_a.isLeaf()); assertTrue(root_c_a_d.isLeaf()); assertTrue(root_d_a_b.isLeaf()); assertTrue(root_r_a_c.isLeaf()); } @Test public void testTrain_2() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); int maxOrder = 0; fixture.train(sequence, maxOrder); assertTrue(fixture.getKnownSymbols().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testTrain_3() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); List sequence = new ArrayList(); int maxOrder = 1; fixture.train(sequence, maxOrder); assertTrue(fixture.getKnownSymbols().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testTrain_4() throws Exception { Trie fixture = new Trie(); List sequence = new ArrayList(); sequence.add("a"); sequence.add("b"); int maxOrder = 3; fixture.train(sequence, maxOrder); assertCollectionContent(sequence, fixture.getKnownSymbols()); TrieNode root = fixture.find(new ArrayList()); TrieNode root_a = root.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_a_a = root_a.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_a_b = root_a.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_b = root.getChild("b"); TrieNode root_b_a = root_b.getChild("a"); TrieNode root_b_b = root_b.getChild("b"); assertEquals(1, root_a.getCount()); assertNull(root_a_a); assertEquals(1, root_a_b.getCount()); assertEquals(1, root_b.getCount()); assertNull(root_b_a); assertNull(root_b_b); assertTrue(root_a_b.isLeaf()); assertTrue(root_b.isLeaf()); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { sequence = new ArrayList(); sequence.add("a"); sequence.add("b"); sequence.add("r"); sequence.add("a"); sequence.add("c"); sequence.add("a"); sequence.add("d"); sequence.add("a"); sequence.add("b"); sequence.add("r"); sequence.add("a"); symbols = new HashSet(); symbols.add("a"); symbols.add("b"); symbols.add("c"); symbols.add("d"); symbols.add("r"); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { // Add additional tear down code here } public static void main(String[] args) { new org.junit.runner.JUnitCore().run(TrieTest.class); } }