Creates random subsets of a list of sequences that cover roughly a specified amount of events. The result is only an approximation as the sum of events of the selected sequences in a set may not hard fit the intended size. If possible, the subsets are independent. If not, the command will drop a message. $USAGE$ the number of subsets to be created the number of events contained in each subset the name of the collection of sequences of which the subsets are to be created optional; the name of the collection of sequences into which the resulting subset shall be stored; if left out, the result is stored in the collection identified by _index Example(s): splitSequences 10 3000 someSequences (creates 10 subsets of sequences with 3000 events each) splitSequences 5 4500 someSequences someNewSequences (creates 5 subsets of sequences with 4500 events each which will be named someNewSequences_1 to someNewSequences_5)