Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of GeneralInformation/Developers

04/30/15 15:15:59 (9 years ago)



  • GeneralInformation/Developers

    v14 v15  
    2121 * We develop the Java components with Eclipse and the M2E plug-in. To simplify things for other Eclipse users, we provide Eclipse project configurations in the SVN. This way, a simple SVN checkout is all you need, in order to work with our components and Eclipse. 
    2222 * Make sure that your workspace interprets text files as UTF-8. Otherwise you will get encoding problems. 
    23  * For the first build after checkout from the repository, right-click on the project autoquest-distribution and select Run as...|Maven install 
     23 * For the first build after checkout from the repository, right-click on the project autoquest-distribution and select Run as | Maven install 
     24 * To execute AutoQUEST in Eclipse, right-click on the class de.ugoe.cs.autoquest.ui.Runner in the Project autoquest-runner and select Run as|Java application. This will fail. Afterwards, you can go in the main menu an Run|Run configurations... Here, you will find your previously failed execution of the Runner as a run configuration for a Java application. Click on "Arguments" and configure the working directory as the directory ${workspace_loc:autoquest-distribution/target/autoquest-distribution-0.1.2-SNAPSHOT-bin.dir/autoquest-distribution-0.1.2-SNAPSHOT} (note that the distribution number might be outdated in case we forget to update this page)  
    2425 * The C/C++ components of AutoQUEST written for Windows application. We use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to develop and maintain them and provide the required project configurations with the respective projects. 
    2526 * For the continuous integration of the AutoQUEST components, we use a Hudson server ([]).