Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of GeneralInformation/Developers

04/12/16 15:58:55 (8 years ago)



  • GeneralInformation/Developers

    v17 v18  
    2828== Release a New AutoQUEST Version == 
    2929 * Check out the trunk from the SVN to the arbitrary location 
    30    * pre-condition is that all changes to be included in the release were comitted to the SVN 
    31  * change into the directory 
    32  * change into the subdirectory {{{autoquest-release}}} 
    33    * this is a dedicated component referencing all other AutoQUEST components and that is used for performing only releases 
    34  * call {{{mvn release:prepare}}} 
    35    * enter release version number, e.g., {{{0.2.0}}} 
    36    * enter SVN release tag name, e.g., {{{autoquest-release-0.2.0}}}, which is also the default for the above release version 
    37    * enter the new snapshot version, e.g., {{{0.2.1-SNAPSHOT}}}, which is also the default for the above release version 
    38    * cross the fingers and hope everything works fine 
     30   * Pre-condition is that all changes to be included in the release were comitted to the SVN 
     31 * Change into the directory 
     32 * Change into the subdirectory {{{autoquest-release}}} 
     33   * This is a dedicated component referencing all other AutoQUEST components and that is used for performing only releases 
     34 * Call {{{mvn release:prepare}}} 
     35   * Enter release version number, e.g., {{{0.2.0}}} 
     36   * Enter SVN release tag name, e.g., {{{autoquest-release-0.2.0}}}, which is also the default for the above release version 
     37   * Enter the new snapshot version, e.g., {{{0.2.1-SNAPSHOT}}}, which is also the default for the above release version 
     38   * Cross the fingers and hope everything works fine 
     39   * This step fails, if not all test cases run through. So this must be checked and ensured beforehand. 
     40   * This step can be reverted by calling {{{mvn release:rollback}}} 
     41 * Call {{{mvn release:perform}}} 
     42   * This creates a tag in the SVN and uploads the artefacts to the Nexus. 
     43   * If something fails, you may have to 
     44     * delete the artefacts from the Nexus 
     45     * delete the tag from the SVN 
     46   * The command can be reverted but only with high effort like deleting a tag from the SVN etc. 