[[TracNav(TOC|nocollapse)]] = Examples = Example 1: * Recording a usage session with a virtual reality * Parse the log files with AutoQUEST * Generate task trees with AutoQUEST * Perform an automated usability evaluations [[Movie(https://youtu.be/YZnTeKYkNRw,style=width:500px;)]] [[Movie(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dfWzp7rYR4&start=5&rel=0,style=width:320px; height:240px;)]] Example 2: * Recording a usage session with the !DemoApp * Pre-processing and loading of the usage sessions with the AutoQUEST Frontend * Generating a replay script and executing the recorded usage session against the !DemoApp [[Embed(flv=https://autoquest.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/CaptureReplay.flv,purl=https://autoquest.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/player.swf,w=500,h=400)]] Example 3: * Loading of pre-recorded sequences * Collapsing the GUI model, i.e., identification of the same widgets over multiple usage sessions * Training a First-Order Markov Model (FOMM, see [wiki:CoreLibrary/UsageBasedTesting here]) * A simple visualization fo the FOMMs structure * Generating 5 test cases of lengths between 2 and 100 events with random walks * Removing the start and end symbols from the generated test cases (required for the replay generation) * Generating a replay script and executing the generated sequences against the !DemoApp [[Embed(flv=https://autoquest.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/GeneratingSequences.flv,purl=https://autoquest.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/player.swf,w=500,h=400)]]