Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of PlugIns/HTML/htmlmonitor

12/04/14 10:23:02 (9 years ago)



  • PlugIns/HTML/htmlmonitor

    v6 v7  
    2828== Starting and Stopping the Monitor == 
    30 To start the monitor, change into the installation directory and type {{{./}}}. The monitor will run in the background. To check, if the monitor is running, type ./ To stop the monitor, you can type ./ 
     30To start the monitor, change into the installation directory and type {{{./}}}. The monitor will run in the background. To check, if the monitor is running, type {{{./}}}. To stop the monitor, you can type {{{./}}}. Per default, the monitor logs the recorded actions into a directory named {{{log}}}. To change this directory, you can start the monitor with a parameter denoting the path to the intended log directory. For example, to log into the directory {{{myLogDir}}}, the monitor must be started with the command {{{./ myLogDir}}}. 
    32 When started, the monitor listens on 8090 per default. To check, if the monitor is listening on the port, you can type wget localhost:8090/script/autoquest-htmlmonitor.js. As a result, the monitor should respond with the JavaScript for recording user actions. 
     32When started, the monitor listens on 8090 per default. To check, if the monitor is listening on the port, you can type {{{wget localhost:8090/script/autoquest-htmlmonitor.js}}}. As a result, the monitor should respond with the JavaScript for recording user actions. To change the port, you can provide a different port as the second parameter to the {{{}}} command. For example, to log into the directory {{{log}}} and to listen on port 8099 the monitor must be started using the command {{{./ log 8099}}}.