{{{#!div class="centernavigation" = = = Testing, Analysing, and Observing Event-driven Software with AutoQUEST = = = {{{#!div class="descriptionbox" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:GeneralInformation|AutoQUEST - A Tool Suite for Automated Quality Engineering of Event-Driven Software]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST traces events, such as user interactions and remote method invocations, on a software. Based on this, it supports usage and usability analysis as well as usage-based test case generation and execution. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:GeneralInformation|General Information...]] }}} }}} {{{#!div class="leftbox" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:CoreLibrary|Modular and Platform-independent Architecture]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST's architecture provides platform independent core modules and tools for usage and usability analysis as well as usage-based test-case generation. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:CoreLibrary|AutoQUEST Core Library...]] }}} }}} {{{#!div class="middlebox" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:Plug-ins|Extensible through Platform-specific Plugins]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST can be extended to support a variety of platforms. Currently Java, MFC, PHP, and HTML based applications can be observed and analysed. Testing is supported for MFC. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:Plug-ins|AutoQUEST Plug-Ins...]] }}} }}} {{{#!div class="rightbox" {{{#!div class="boxheading" Download AutoQUEST }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:GeneralInformation|Download Area...]] }}} }}} {{{#!div class="notesbox"> AutoQUEST is developed by [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/staff/steffen-herbold Steffen Herbold], [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/staff/patrick-harms Patrick Harms] and Fabian Glaser in the context of the research group [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/ Software Engineering for Distributed Systems] lead by [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/staff/jens-grabowski Prof. Jens Grabowski] at the [http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/138524.html Institute of Computer Science] of the [http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/1.html University of Goettingen]. }}} {{{#!div class="projectstats" [[OhlohWidget(604098, project_basic_stats)]] [[OhlohWidget(604098, project_languages)]] }}} }}}