[[TracNav(TOC|nocollapse)]] {{{#!div class="centernavigation" = Testing, Analysing, and Observing Event-driven Software = {{{#!div class="descriptionbox" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:GeneralInformation|AutoQUEST - A Tool Suite for Automated Quality Engineering of Event-Driven Software]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST traces events, such as user interactions and remote method invocations, on a software. Based on this, it supports usage and usability analysis as well as usage-based test case generation and execution. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:GeneralInformation|General Information...]] }}} }}} {{{#!div class="table" {{{#!div class="row" {{{#!div class="cell" {{{#!div class="box1" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:CoreLibrary|Modular and Platform-independent Architecture]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST's architecture provides platform independent core modules and tools for usage and usability analysis as well as usage-based test-case generation. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:CoreLibrary|AutoQUEST Core Library...]] }}} }}} }}} {{{#!div class="cell" {{{#!div class="box2" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:Plug-ins|Extensible through Platform-specific Plugins]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST can be extended to support a variety of platforms. Currently Java, MFC, PHP, and HTML based GUI applications as well as HTTP based service communication can be observed and analysed. In addition, another plugin allows the handling of generic events, e.g., to support Virtual and Augmented Reality applications. Testing is supported for MFC. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:Plug-ins|AutoQUEST Plug-Ins...]] }}} }}} }}} }}} {{{#!div class="row" {{{#!div class="cell" {{{#!div class="box3" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:Frontend|Extensible Tool Set]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST is a workbench providing a set of tools for post processing and analysing traces, i.e., sequences of recorded events. Further tools can be added for, e.g., supporting further platforms or analyses. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:Frontend|AutoQUEST Frontend...]] }}} }}} }}} {{{#!div class="cell" {{{#!div class="box4" {{{#!div class="boxheading" [[wiki:GeneralInformation/Downloads|Download AutoQUEST]] }}} {{{#!div class="boxdescription" AutoQUEST is an open source software developed in the context of a research project. Its source code and binary distributions can be downloaded in our download area. }}} {{{#!div class="learnmore" [[wiki:GeneralInformation/Downloads|Download Area...]] }}} }}} }}} }}} }}} {{{#!div class="notesbox"> AutoQUEST is developed by [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/staff/steffen-herbold Steffen Herbold], [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/staff/patrick-harms Patrick Harms] and Fabian Glaser in the context of the research group [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/ Software Engineering for Distributed Systems] lead by [http://www.swe.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/staff/jens-grabowski Prof. Jens Grabowski] at the [http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/138524.html Institute of Computer Science] of the [http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/1.html University of Goettingen]. }}} {{{#!div class="projectstats" [[OhlohWidget(604098, project_basic_stats)]] [[OhlohWidget(604098, project_languages)]] }}} }}}