
Version 4 (modified by pharms, 10 years ago) (diff)



The executor is responsible for initializing the AutoQUEST user interfaces. This consists of the following key tasks:

  • Integrating all AutoQUEST components and plug-ins.
  • Starting a user interface.
  • Initialize logging mechanisms.

The executor itself is implemented as a Java application with the following possible parameters.

Name Allowed Values Default Description
ui text, swt text Selects the user interface
log4j OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL INFO Selects the tracing level contained in the log4j log file
trace OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL WARNING Selects the tracing level displayed by the user interface

Furthermore, all parameters that follow these options are interpreted as commands that are to be executed right after starting the user interface.

Here are some examples for using the executor.

  • Start the application with all parameters assuming their default values.
    java -jar autoquest-runner.jar
  • Start the application with the SWT GUI and the trace level INFO
    java -jar autoquest-runner.jar -ui swt -trace INFO
  • Start the application with the SWT GUI and execute the command "exec someScript" right after the start-up.
    java -jar autoquest-runner.jar -ui swt "exec someScript"